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1.161 Inclusive cross section on carbon #59

Closed jtenavidal closed 1 year ago

jtenavidal commented 1 year ago


  1. Add code to calculate inclusive cuts automatically
  2. Add file for inclusive only
  3. Get plots per sector vs w
  4. Get plots for p_e and so on (electron kinematics)

36-39 degrees with the 12 degree phi cut only sector 0 No Q2 scaling All 1GeV Sample

bool conf::ValidPhiOpeningAngle( double phi /*rad*/ ) {
 //Definition as for data. It is also correct for GENIE simulation data since V3_el is rotated above by 180 degree in phi
 phi *= TMath::RadToDeg() ;
 phi += 30 ; //Add 30 degree for plotting and photon phi cut
 if ( phi < 0 ) phi += 360 ; //Add 360 so that electron phi is between 0 and 360 degree
 if ( !(TMath::Abs( phi - 30 ) < kPhiOpeningAngle ||
     TMath::Abs( phi - 90 ) < kPhiOpeningAngle ||
     TMath::Abs( phi - 150 ) < kPhiOpeningAngle ||
     TMath::Abs( phi - 210 ) < kPhiOpeningAngle ||
     TMath::Abs( phi - 270 ) < kPhiOpeningAngle ||
     TMath::Abs( phi - 330) < kPhiOpeningAngle ) ) return false ;
 return true ;

dCosthetadphi = 6.68e-3 Sr for the normalization as well

`#Analysis Cuts UseAllSectors true ApplyFiducial true ApplyAccWeights true ApplyReso true ApplyMomCut true ApplyMottWeight false ApplyOutEMomCut true ApplyQ2Cut true ApplyWCut true SubtractBkg false

ApplyPhiOpeningAngle true UsePhiThetaBand false ApplyThetaSlice true ApplyGoodSectorPhiSlice false offset 0`


jtenavidal commented 1 year ago

we’re using your solidAngleToStr factor

2:40 double Solid_Angle_Steradian = Data_Phi_Acceptance (TMath::Cos((TMath::Pi() / 180.0) (ChosenAngle - 0.5)) - TMath::Cos((TMath::Pi() / 180.0) * (ChosenAngle + 0.5))); 2:40 can you please help us understand why you multiply by ChosenAngle + 0.5 at the end?

matan goldenberg 2:42 PM It is a convertion to radians 2:43 ChosenAngle is in degrees

jtenavidal commented 1 year ago
jtenavidal commented 1 year ago

We concluded the data in the paper is somehow wrong.