e5k / TephraProb

Set of Matlab functions for probabilistic hazard assessments of tephra accumulation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issue with ESP sampling for Vulcanian scenario #3

Open EllyTennant opened 3 years ago

EllyTennant commented 3 years ago

runProb.vulc is getting stuck during sampling (line 231)

 % Make sure that all wind profiles contained in wind_vec
            % are part of the considered season
            if length(unique(intersect(wind_vec_seas, wind_vec))) == length(unique(wind_vec))
                check_seas = 1;

This seems to happen when wind profiles are sampled towards the end of the wind profile dataset, when the repose interval is long enough such that a wind profile is needed that is outside of the wind population. The id of the wind profile is larger than the maximum number of wind profiles. This doesnt happen when a short repose interval is selected (less than the temporal resolution of the wind).