VirtualDev::alloc_blk takes 16bit nblks, however existing caller in homestore take 32bit data size and pass 32bit nblks to vdev layer which will cause overflow when the data size is larger than 256MB, it will cause corruption (worst case data mismatch) when data size being written is larger than 256MB.
Meta Svc layer has protection when the overflow happens, e.g. it can't match the input context_sz with the nblks matched sizes and will hit release assert, however this is still will cause crash.
Code pointer:
--> auto status = data_service().alloc_blks(sisl::round_up(uint32_cast(data_size), // <<< overflow
--> return m_vdev->alloc_blks(nblks, hints, out_blkids); // <<< overflow
--> const auto ret = m_sb_vdev->alloc_blks(nblks, blk_alloc_hints{}, bids); // <<< overflow
The underlying alloc_blks when overflow happens, if we go deep into the actual blk allocator (both the bitmap and append blk allocator), it will return SUCCESS with bids.size() equls to zero. There is no bug in the underlying blkallocator, the point is there is no assert in them also to detect the input nblks is actual 0, it will just return SUCCESS with nothing allocated, when this happens, silent data corruption will happen.
Problem Statement:
VirtualDev::alloc_blk takes 16bit nblks, however existing caller in homestore take 32bit data size and pass 32bit nblks to vdev layer which will cause overflow when the data size is larger than 256MB, it will cause corruption (worst case data mismatch) when data size being written is larger than 256MB.
Meta Svc layer has protection when the overflow happens, e.g. it can't match the input context_sz with the nblks matched sizes and will hit release assert, however this is still will cause crash.
Code pointer: repl_req_ctx::alloc_local_blks --> auto status = data_service().alloc_blks(sisl::round_up(uint32_cast(data_size), // <<< overflow BlkDataService::alloc_blks --> return m_vdev->alloc_blks(nblks, hints, out_blkids); // <<< overflow MetaBlkService::alloc_meta_blks --> const auto ret = m_sb_vdev->alloc_blks(nblks, blk_alloc_hints{}, bids); // <<< overflow
The underlying alloc_blks when overflow happens, if we go deep into the actual blk allocator (both the bitmap and append blk allocator), it will return SUCCESS with bids.size() equls to zero. There is no bug in the underlying blkallocator, the point is there is no assert in them also to detect the input nblks is actual 0, it will just return SUCCESS with nothing allocated, when this happens, silent data corruption will happen.
The fix needs to be done at vdev layer.