eBay / NuRaft

C++ implementation of Raft core logic as a replication library
Apache License 2.0
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Leadership yielding is not synchronized with replicated log #463

Open myrrc opened 1 year ago

myrrc commented 1 year ago


Quite a synthetic example, but that's what we encountered in

So, a fix option is to wait for new config to get committed and to execute new commands only after that, but I wonder whether there's an option to solve this at library level.

I tried changing https://github.com/eBay/NuRaft/blob/188947bcc73ce38ab1c3cf9d01015ca8a29decd9/src/raft_server.cxx#L1244 so that an option toggled would make leader commit all appended entries before pausing writes, no luck -- seems there are way to many invariants that get broken

greensky00 commented 1 year ago

Both yield_leadership and request_leadership cannot enforce adding/removing member. This is because there is no guarantee that membership change will eventually be succeeded and committed. For example, 1 is leader, it gets the adding server requests, but fails to replicate the message due to network partition.

Also, membership change should be done one at a time. Next membership change should be done after making sure that the previous change is committed. There is a known problem that multiple membership change at once may result in incorrect quorum and data inconsistency. The original paper tried to resolve it by "joint consensus", but NuRaft does not implement it and instead enforces one member change at a time.

There was a similar thread: https://github.com/eBay/NuRaft/issues/177