eBay / ebayui-core-react

eBayUI React components
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Migrating to stricter TypeScript #285

Open abiyasa opened 11 months ago

abiyasa commented 11 months ago


Currently, we are compiling UI Core React without strict mode https://github.com/eBay/ebayui-core-react/blob/abd3bb3ca6eef208bb8d3bf3dce68ff25bf60097/tsconfig.json#L17

This means we will not get compilation error on many things when building ui-core-react. However, this might cause problems when the project that consumes ui-core-react use strict mode.


We need to enable strict mode on our TypeScript. However, this would cause 250+ compilation errors (v5.6.2) if we just set strict: true on tsconfig.

Therefore we need to incrementally enable strict mode and fix them gradually.

Options for Incremental Migration to TypeScript Strict Mode

Generally, one need to:

  1. (optional) maybe upgrade to TypeScript 4.6 or even 5? Currently, we're stil using v3.9 which is from 2020.
  2. Enable strict mode strict: true on tsconfig, which actually enabling at least 5 strict mode family options
  3. Add all strict mode family options and disable them all.
  4. Enable one of the strict mode family rule/option.
  5. Fix all errors related to the enabled rule.
  6. Create PR, merged, and release
  7. Repeat step 4.

See details on this article: https://www.bitovi.com/blog/how-to-incrementally-migrate-an-angular-project-to-typescript-strict-mode

Other techniques:

Plan by Tim:

Step 1

darkwebdev commented 9 months ago

Development blocked by the weird bug where icon is rendered two times, but not in dev environment. hard to reproduce and debug...