eBay / ebayui-core

Collection of Marko widgets; considered to be the core building blocks for all eBay components, pages & apps
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Provide options to add Localization (i18N) support for the underlying high charts module #1903

Closed dsathyakumar closed 2 weeks ago

dsathyakumar commented 1 year ago

Feature Request


Provide options to add Localization (i18N) support for the underlying high charts module


In components like <ebay-line-chart/>, the high charts module is used. But right now <ebay-line-chart/> doesnt provide a way to pass lang attrs via the window.Highcharts.setOptions method. This feature request is to add opts to provide i18N support for the module.


It would render something similar to image



agliga commented 1 year ago

You should be able to call this.getComponent('chart').chartRef.setOptions. If that works, that should be the solution to this and I will close this issue.

agliga commented 2 weeks ago

Closing for now