eBay / ebayui-core

Collection of Marko widgets; considered to be the core building blocks for all eBay components, pages & apps
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Close button not showing for <ebay-page-notice> #2179

Closed ts-xie closed 4 months ago

ts-xie commented 4 months ago

Bug Report

eBayUI Version: 13.4.0


See thread: https://ebay-eng.slack.com/archives/CK8AX1L49/p1716581865060279

a11y-dismiss-text doesn't get transformed to a11yDismissText since it's not included in marko-tag.json in eBayUI. This is a bug that should be fixed, but if you want a quick fix you can switch to camelCase from kebab-case for that specific attribute

Also might need to fix the example code should show close button when a11yDismissText is absent: https://github.com/eBay/ebayui-core/blob/master/src/components/ebay-section-notice/examples/with-dismiss.marko


Use camelCase, ie, a11yDismissText="close"


See screenshots in slack thread

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 1 23 03 PM