eBay / skin

Pure CSS framework designed & developed by eBay for a branded, e-commerce marketplace.
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new module: education-notice #2271

Closed randybascue closed 6 months ago

randybascue commented 7 months ago

Feature Request

Update the education notice visual treatment to differentiate further from the alert notice. Increase sizing and spacing to make it more prominent for feature and recommendation callouts.


Education notices are supplemental, contextual messages that educate users about programs, features, and opportunities. Figma branch


  1. Seller hub
  2. Listings
  3. Campaign management
  4. Ads
  5. Coupon creation


image image

Figma link


Engineering pre-requisites

ArtBlue commented 6 months ago

We actually don't have an education-notice module in Skin. We originally built the education visual into section-notice with just an icon flexibility. The Figma on the issue looks fairly different so it's not just an "update visual treatment." We need to create a new module in Skin.


randybascue commented 6 months ago

We actually don't have an education-notice module in Skin. We originally built the education visual into section-notice with just an icon flexibility. The Figma on the issue looks fairly different so it's not just an "update visual treatment." We need to create a new module in Skin.

Oh. I see. I wasn't aware of the combination there. Thank you for the clarification

ArtBlue commented 6 months ago

@randybascue , no worries. We're actually still trying to see if we can continue using section-notice if most of the styling will remain the same.

We don't know how much of section-notice styling is used in education variation. It looks like it's mostly the layout structure that's the same and much of everything else is different in some way?

randybascue commented 6 months ago

@ArtBlue Yeah, it's primarily a layout update.

ArtBlue commented 6 months ago

Thanks, @randybascue! Given the many differences as well as anticipated future enhancements, we're going to move forward with upgrading this to its own module.