Open rothgar opened 3 years ago
Thanks! Excellent idea. I need to do some checking. I'll reply back on this issue when I know more.
I love tsv-utils and convenient packaging is missing sorely - in the way of wider adoption. I'd be happy to help maintain it with version updates.
bump. I like this toolkit.
While it's not in main homebrew yet, one can conda/mamba install it now from bioconda (I added it to bioconda)
Ah, nice to know. Thank you!
Here's the link, I guess I should bump it to 2.2.1
Is there interest in an official homebrew formula for these tools?
I created one for myself at and I could PR it to a repo if eBay has a public homebrew repo.
You can install my formula with
homebrew install rothgar/tap/tsv-utils
It works on macOS and Linux.