eDonnes124 / Town-Of-Us-R

An Among Us mod containing a bunch of roles
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Role Rework: Detective #206

Open fariparedes opened 7 months ago

fariparedes commented 7 months ago

Detective is commonly cited as the worst and most boring role in lobbies. The primary reason for this is that its abilities revolve entirely around finding a body before anyone else does, which is luck and guesswork based at the best of times. At the same time, if you were able to inspect bodies at any time and unerringly find their killer, the role would easily go from tedious to wildly overpowered.

Therefore, in order to make this role more interesting while also keeping it balanced, I have taken some cues from the old Stellar Roles implementation of Detective to rework it. All code and assets are original. Here is how the Detective role now works:

The Detective's primary ability now revolves around getting to crime scenes as quickly as possible and inspecting them for clues, and then using that knowledge to narrow down who the killer might be. However, there is ambiguity in this information as anyone who touched the crime scene before you is a potential suspect. Rather than positively IDing the killer, the Detective role is primarily used to catch people in lies, e.g. if they claim that they weren't at the scene of the crime, you can confirm that they are lying.

The Detective is no longer pressured to find bodies before anyone else, but is still rewarded for doing so, as the only possible suspect will be the killer. This also creates opportunities for killers to cover their tracks, e.g. because the reporter will always show up as a potential suspect, making self-reports more powerful against Detectives. The Detective's secondary ability is unchanged.


GameTechGuides commented 3 months ago

Feature broken in 2024.3.5

fariparedes commented 3 months ago

Feature broken in 2024.3.5

Can you elaborate? I have been using it without issue.

GameTechGuides commented 3 months ago

Feature broken in 2024.3.5

Can you elaborate? I have been using it without issue.

i try it on my modified version of tou and the i have the following issue : the button inspect and examine dosen't highlight when u are next to someone + the crime scene sang dosen't show up in the body

GameTechGuides commented 3 months ago

can i have your discord ? for more info

fariparedes commented 2 months ago

Updated for v5.0.4 I'm particularly fond of this one so I hope it makes it in :)