eGovPDX / Council-Agenda-App

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Ability to insert new items between existing items #54

Open earenson opened 13 years ago

earenson commented 13 years ago

Would be nice to be able to select an agenda item, choose "New Item" from the menu bar, and have that item inserted after the selected item on save. Handy if a user has to go back and add an item they forgot to add the first time.

OscarGodson commented 13 years ago

This will need to work with sessions also. So if a user selects an item in the middle of an agenda and does new session it should create a new session after the currently selected agenda

earenson commented 12 years ago

Insert Item functionality has been added, but am holding off on the "Insert Session" for now.

OscarGodson commented 12 years ago

@earenson prob should move that to a different ticket since there could be different implications and discussion points for sessions.

P.S. I wish the API part of this wasn't in CF so I could contribute :(