eGovPDX / Council-Agenda-App

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Bump up character limit for Item Text DB field? #60

Closed earenson closed 12 years ago

earenson commented 12 years ago

Ran into sadpanda when entering existing agenda data:


The block of text was 636 characters and didn't save... not sure what the limit is now.

Original text pasted below as an example:

TIME CERTAIN: 9:45 AM – Authorize health and welfare contracts with Cascade Centers, Inc. 
and Kroger Prescription Plans, Inc. administered by the Bureau of Human Resources, Benefits 
and Wellness office effective July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2016, and amend the City of Portland 
Health Plan and the City of Portland Cafeteria Plan to reflect necessary plan administrative and 
design changes as recommended by the Labor Management Benefits Committee and requested 
by BHR for the City self-insured plans beginning July 1, 2011  (Ordinance introduced by 
Mayor Adams and Commissioners Fish, Fritz, Leonard and Saltzman) 45 minutes requested
OscarGodson commented 12 years ago

Requested a fix from Aaron

OscarGodson commented 12 years ago

Working now:!/agenda/288