The current FORUM Web interface only allows to access associations using PubChem, ChEBI, ChemOnt or MeSH identifiers, with which users can be unfamiliar.
Desired behaviour
As a user, I could request for FORUM associations using chemical names from PubChem/ChEBI/ChemOnt and descriptor names from MeSH.
Solutions ?
As chemical names can be complex, a fuzzy-search algorithm seems to be a good choice for helping users find compounds of interest. As a first step only principal names should be included as the additional burden of the synonyms provided by PubChem (several millions) could lead to computational issues.
A first test on a fuzzy-search algorithm has been implemented here
The current FORUM Web interface only allows to access associations using PubChem, ChEBI, ChemOnt or MeSH identifiers, with which users can be unfamiliar.
Desired behaviour
As a user, I could request for FORUM associations using chemical names from PubChem/ChEBI/ChemOnt and descriptor names from MeSH.
Solutions ?
As chemical names can be complex, a fuzzy-search algorithm seems to be a good choice for helping users find compounds of interest. As a first step only principal names should be included as the additional burden of the synonyms provided by PubChem (several millions) could lead to computational issues.
A first test on a fuzzy-search algorithm has been implemented here
@maximeDelmas @npaulhe