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Refresh of the vis after changing configuration parameters does not work for Ecore editor #111

Open anthonyanjorin opened 6 years ago

anthonyanjorin commented 6 years ago

It only works for the sample ecore editor. Would be nice if it would work independently of the specific editor being used to edit the metamodel.

anthonyanjorin commented 5 years ago

Any progress on this issue? Have you at least been able to reproduce?

anthonyanjorin commented 5 years ago

This issue is extremely irritating - have you been able to reproduce?

mvdheram commented 5 years ago

By changing configuration parameters do you mean changing the properties of the .ecore file created ??

anthonyanjorin commented 5 years ago

With configuration parameters I mean the drop-down menu you get when you click on the little upside down triangle in the top-right corner of the PlantUML view. Parameters include options such as “show model details”, “show neighbourhood”, and so on.

There are actually two problems here:

(1) When the vis is opened for a new model (.xmi or .ecore), the currently set configuration parameters are simply ignored. One has to change them to make them active :( (2) If they are changed the triggered refresh only works for the .xmi vis not for the .ecore vis.

Can you reproduce this?

mvdheram commented 5 years ago

Yeah, so I tried to reproduce this by using FamiliesWithSiblings and FeatureModelConcise. When I changed configuration parameters like enabling "abbreviate labels" of .ecore for FamiliesWithSiblings model, the changes are being reflected in "FeatureModelConcise" .ecore visualisation with visualisation showing abbreviated labels of the classes.

anthonyanjorin commented 5 years ago

How about the very first time you open the editor? The value of the configuration parameters are simply ignored.

Btw. when you open an .ecore file (select it and choose open with ...), there are two possibilities to open it:

Sounds confusing I know, but these are two different editors. The refresh works for the sample ecore editor but not for the ecore editor.

Please try to reproduce (1) and (2) in my previous comment.

mvdheram commented 5 years ago

Yeah, so I tried with FamilyWithSiblings and SimpleFamily metamodels and this is what I observed. Please correct me if I am wrong.

when I change the configuration parameters like "Show 1-neighbourhood / Abbreviated labels" the refresh works for the sample Ecore editor and not for the Ecore editor as said(2 point). The change is applied only after I switch to sample Ecore editor.

The same behaviour is observed for both Intra and Inter model configuration parameters.

anthonyanjorin commented 5 years ago

Ok - then you’ve been able to reproduce (2).

To reproduce (1), change the config parameters then close all editors. Then open the sample Ecore Editor. It will ignore the config parameters and use the default values (until you change them again while the editor is open).

mvdheram commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I have tried it the last time itself and what I observed is that the changed config parameters are only taken into consideration when I open a .ecore file of a metamodel with sample Ecore editor. I have tested by changing the config parameters "show model details" and "show abbreviated labels" metamodels. (2) encompasses (1) that is what I understood.

anthonyanjorin commented 5 years ago

Ok just focus on (2)