eMoflon / emoflon-core

Core components of eMoflon
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Add menu entry to register EMF metamodel #89

Closed RolandKluge closed 6 years ago

RolandKluge commented 6 years ago

Similar to http://www.kermeta.org/docs/html.chunked/KerMeta-Deploying-a-code/ch04.html https://eclipse.org/epsilon/doc/articles/reflective-emf-tutorial/

Helpful code in Epsilon: https://www.eclipse.org/epsilon/download/ plugins/org.eclipse.epsilon.emf.dt class: org.eclipse.epsilon.emf.dt.RegisterMetamodelAction

anthonyanjorin commented 6 years ago

Hmm... so we want to offer such functionality ourselves? Why not just install and use the plugin from kermeta?

RolandKluge commented 6 years ago

This is true if we expect that we only need to register EPackages seldomly.

However, we may expect that, in the near future, eMoflon and Henshin will have more and more connection points, and Henshin sometimes requires to register EPackages (but offers no convenient menu entry for this, as far as I know). Therefore, I think that it's better if we ship this tiny feature with eMoflon instead of forcing people to install Kermeta (or Epsilon) for just this purpose.

anthonyanjorin commented 6 years ago

I agree! And we can do it better too. For example we could add an option: "Automatically repeat this registration every time I start Eclipse", offering preferences where this of course can be changed later. Kermeta is nice but reregistering the same metamodels 100 times was still a in the :)

RolandKluge commented 6 years ago

For the moment, I simply allow for registering the metamodel once. We do not save the list of registered metamodels. If this is a requirement, please open a separate issue and I will implement it (Epsilon already provides this features but using a deprecated UI API).