eMoflon / emoflon-ibex-deployment

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Eclipse 2022-12+ creates incomplete/defective eMoflon::IBeX updatesite #4

Closed maxkratz closed 1 year ago

maxkratz commented 1 year ago

When building an Eclipse updatesite for eMoflon::IBeX with Eclipse 2022-12, the plug-ins can be installed in another instance but building the eMoflon::IBeX test workspace is not possible. The following error message pops up immediately:


Observations made so far:

maxkratz commented 1 year ago

A noticeable difference between Eclipse 2022-09 and 2022-12:

maxkratz commented 1 year ago


maxkratz commented 1 year ago


maxkratz commented 1 year ago


maxkratz commented 1 year ago


 (Ljava/lang/String;)VLineNumberTableLocalVariableTablethis$Lorg/moflon/core/utilities/XMLUtils;formatXmlStringI(LDocument;Lorg/eclipse/core/runtime/IProgressMonitor;)Ljava/lang/String; Exceptions&org/eclipse/core/runtime/CoreException�Unresolved compilation problems: Document cannot be resolved to a type Transformer cannot be resolved to a type TransformerFactory cannot be resolved OutputKeys cannot be resolved to a variable OutputKeys cannot be resolved to a variable StreamResult cannot be resolved to a type StreamResult cannot be resolved to a type DOMSource cannot be resolved to a type DOMSource cannot be resolved to a type TransformerFactoryConfigurationError cannot be resolved to a type No exception of type Object can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable TransformerException cannot be resolved to a type The constructor Status(int, String, String, Object) is undefined parseXmlDocument(Ljava/lang/String;)LDocument;;Unresolved compilation problems: Document cannot be resolved to a type DocumentBuilderFactory cannot be resolved to a type DocumentBuilderFactory cannot be resolved DocumentBuilder cannot be resolved to a type Document cannot be resolved to a type ParserConfigurationException cannot be resolved to a type No exception of type Object can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable SAXException cannot be resolved to a type XPathExpressionException cannot be resolved to a type The constructor Status(int, String, String, Object) is undefined dropWhitespaceNodesFromTree (LDocument;)V!XPathExpressionException#gUnresolved compilation problems: Document cannot be resolved to a type XPathExpressionException cannot be resolved to a type XPath cannot be resolved to a type XPathFactory cannot be resolved NodeList cannot be resolved to a type NodeList cannot be resolved to a type XPathConstants cannot be resolved to a variable Node cannot be resolved to a type (Ljava/io/File;)LDocument;&java/io/IOException(�Unresolved compilation problems: Document cannot be resolved to a type The method parseXmlDocument(String) from the type XMLUtils refers to the missing type Document  SourceFile XMLUtils.java,Document MissingTypes!4 �Y � �    �Y� �'  �Y� �O   �Y"� �_ $% �Y'� �t)*-+

- Our current idea is that one of the dependencies in eMoflon also brings their own XML-related namespace with them: `The package org.xml.sax is accessible from more than one module: <unnamed>, java.xml`
- We brought it down to the graph stream library:

maxkratz commented 1 year ago

In a deployed environment: image