eProsima / Fast-DDS-Gen

Fast-DDS IDL code generator tool. Looking for commercial support? Contact info@eprosima.com
Apache License 2.0
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FastDDSGen detects IDL file changes #313

Closed anwaymukherjee closed 4 months ago

anwaymukherjee commented 4 months ago


Does fastdds generator have a way to detect any IDL file changes and then generates the code accordingly ? Like, in cmake we have timestamp-based detection to tag a file as changed and then build. I am trying to find out if the generator can automatically skip code generation if the content of IDL has not changed.


JLBuenoLopez commented 4 months ago

I am afraid that Fast DDS-Gen does not support the feature you describe. You may use the -replace option to overwrite the already generated files. Without enabling this option, Fast DDS-Gen would not generate the code again, even if the IDL files have changed.

I am moving this ticket to the proper discussion forum.