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Apply to the John Moores Foundation for Superhero Cyborg #101

Closed joereddington closed 4 years ago

joereddington commented 4 years ago

Apply to the John Moores Foundation

We want to find Match funding for SuperHero Cyborgs (per https://github.com/equalitytime/public/issues/89) and John Moores Foundation looks good.


We've got £10k of the £20k we need to run an amazing project in NI and we're looking for some match funding to get us the rest of the way. I'm hoping that the John Moores Foundation might be able to help.

I've attached a short briefing note on the project, but the short version is:

NHS supplied prosthetic arms are outrageously ugly. So ugly that a lot of kids don't want to wear them, despite the fact that they'd help day-to-day. Privately supplied prosthetic arms can be much cooler and more advanced, but outrageously expensive and still not designed for children.

Limb difference is pretty rare. This can make the experience feel extremely isolated. Superhero Boost will bring 10 children with limb difference to Farset Labs in Belfast for a week where they'll design, prototype, and manufacture a new prosthetic that uniquely reflects their needs and identity. So far designs have included a glitter gun, hidden compartments, a scaled up lego hand, water pistols, horse-riding attachments and a bow and arrow. Superhero Boost connects each kid with a local volunteer ‘maker’ to collaborate with them for three to four months after the workshop to push the design even further. Most importantly, these kids get to make friends with a wide variety of other kids that share their experiences and issues

I understand you have to do a range of checks. Our constituion and our accounts since 2014 is availible at equalitytime.co.uk/about-equality-time/, and our Charity number is 1177233. Our bank account is in the name of the charity and requires two unrelated approvers of any transaction.

Would it be possible to send us an application pack?