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Submit accounts by 31st May #104

Closed joereddington closed 4 years ago

joereddington commented 4 years ago

Our accounts need to be submitted by 31st of May

We have a quote of £800 from our last set of accountants and the trustees have asked for

I drafted this message:


My name is Joe, I run the charity eQuality Time. The trustees have asked me to shortlist some accountants to prepare our yearly accounts and so I'm contacting you to see if we can work out a quote.

You can find our company and charity numbers at http://equalitytime.co.uk/about-equality-time/ along with all our previous accounts. We've been exclusively using QuickBooks for the year in question and haven't significantly grown since the last financial year.

Could you let me know what other information you need to be able to prepare a quote for us?


and sent it to the following firms via their contact pages:

I have to email the following firms To email: hello@godfreywilson.co.uk info@sayervincent.co.uk

joereddington commented 4 years ago

Two of the firms came back with quotes of £1100 plus VAT and £800 without VAT (because they were new)

joereddington commented 4 years ago

Okay, we've choosen to go back with TLL and we have some forms to send them. I'll email them to find out exactly what they want. (email task added)

joereddington commented 4 years ago

I need to do a follow up phone call and make sure everything is in the right place. I'll add it to the phone list.

joereddington commented 4 years ago

We've been sending documents to TLL since before the lockdown and I've sent the following email today:

Hi Peter,

To give you an update: I've come back from furlough for the week, and I'm likely to be furloughed again from Friday until June, which as you know, is after the date we need to submit our accounts.

I'm really keen to get the accounts tied off as soon as possible and I'm aware that I am probably the best person to ask any questions of, so I wanted to email to see how far you had got with them and if there were any outstanding queries. Obviously Tess can look after you after this week, but this week is definitely a good time to break the back of them.

How are they looking from your end?


Next action is bascially to ring them every few days.

joereddington commented 4 years ago

"Chris was doing the accounts and has been off since the end of March – he is back on Monday 4th May and will only be dealing with the accounts after that, unfortunately."