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Apply for Children In Need with Supertitle 11:59pm 13 September 2018 #39

Closed joereddington closed 5 years ago

joereddington commented 5 years ago

We're applying to Children in Need, with the Supertitle project.



This application wasn't our best work and it doesn't do justice to the project - but the deadline snuck up on us and it's better to have put it through than to have missed it. I'd like to do a comprehensive rewrite of it. If we get rejected then that will be my chance!

joereddington-public commented 5 years ago

Next Action is to register with the website: the application form is here

joereddington-public commented 5 years ago

Some notes from the A-Z

joereddington-public commented 5 years ago

Please describe the disadvantages experienced by the children and young people you work with, and how they are affected.

from previous application

Please describe the disadvantages experienced by the children and young people you work with, and how they are affected. We work with children with English as an Additional Language (EAL). This group of children, many of whom are child migrants, are at a great disadvantage within the UK system. They are disadvantaged first by their use of language "Bright children from migrant backgrounds are routinely placed in classes for low ability pupils because bilingualism is still wrongly associated with special educational needs " (http://www.ioe.ac.uk/56528.html). Secondly, they are more likely to live in the most disadvantaged areas. An OCED report in 2012 found that EAL children are more than twice as likely to attend disadvantaged schools as their non¬ immigrant counterparts" (http://www.oecd.org/edu/eag2012.htm). As well as disadvantages in the school system. EAL children face many social pressures. EAL children in the UK can feel distanced from their cultural /religious heritage. Many are at a time in their life when they may be searching for answers to questions about identity, faith and belonging. This can cause problems from attendance to a risk of a complete rejection of one or both cultures. As a result, many bilingual secondary children identify themselves as monolingual. Their experience is that their home languages are of little value in the education system (http://www.ioe.ac.uk/56528.html).

(200 words)

Please describe the activities or services you are asking us to fund.

(200 words)

We run translation 'Supertitle' clubs for groups of young people who have English as an Additional Language. Schools typically put EAL children in special classes to fix their English, which can make them feel marginalised and ashamed. SuperTitle clubs use popular culture as a medium through which children can make their language skills better without feeling looked down on. Each group meets once a week after school to translate the subtitles for their choice of TV show. Once the subtitles have been translated, students are encouraged to share the TV show with the families. In this way, Supertitle supports children to be a bridge between communities rather than feeling they have to choose a 'side'. We would like Children in Need to fund the cost of starting Supertitle groups in 100 schools across London and Luton.

Please briefly describe the first difference your project will make in children and young people's lives

(50 words) English Language Skills

Please describe how the activities or services you provide will bring about this first difference.

(200 words)

Children in a Supertitle group spend a full hour at each meeting working on translation. As they work, they look at the English text very carefully to break it down by meaning. When working they talk to each other to make sure of meanings and understand what is being said and why it is being said. This sort of careful deep learning is very hard to create in a school, but Supertitle is set up so that this learning of language happens 'for free'.

Please briefly describe the second difference your project will make in children and young people's lives

(50 words) Increasing the 'cultural confidence' of children

Please describe how the activities or services you provide will bring about this second difference.

(200 word)

EAL children in the UK school system can feel distanced from they cultural/religious heritage. As a result, many bilingual secondary school children identify themselves as monolingual. Their experience is that their home languages are of little value in the education system (http://www.ioe.ac.uk/56528.html). EAL children in the UK school system can feel distanced from their cultural /religious heritage. Many are at a time in their life when they may be searching for answers to questions about identity, faith and belonging. This can cause problems from attendance to a risk of a complete rejection of one or both cultures. Many of the children we work with have problems fitting in at school, and often think that they must choose between either being a British person or being part of their 'home' community. Supertitle helps these children to be a bridge between the two sides, rather than having to choose one. When children choose to make UK TV they are identifying a cultural product that resonates with them and are encouraged to share this with their home community. This empowers them to explore cultural differences and similarities in a safe, meaningful way.

For projects that are already running, previously funded by BBC Children in Need or another funder, please briefly describe the differences your project has achieved for children and young people to date, and describe what evidence you have that your project made that difference.

We successfully piloted this project with the aid of a grant from Awards for All. This allowed us to run sessions in 10 schools so far, working with around 60 students in six languages and improving the cultural competance and english language skills of the students. These are some of the comments from the students:

“I found this workshop fun and useful because you are helping people that don’t understand it and need translating it. I am really happy that I was able to take part in this session and I was able to use my skills to work as a team”


I found the workshop very useful because I worked well in a team and it helped me writing with more confidence in Portuguese. Also, I have made new friends. I have had really good fun”


“I found this session very useful because I practised my Portuguese and I also know that by producing the subtitles I can help Portuguese people in the UK to understand what they are watching. I found it really fun as well as useful”


“I enjoyed this workshop as my family also face the struggle of not always understanding shows and I am glad to give back to the community by helping others who have the same problem.”


I liked the work shop so much! It helped me improve my language skills. It was really helpful and I would love to participate in future workshops.


(200 words)

joereddington commented 5 years ago

Budget is in this file: Budget.xlsx

The breakdown is:

  18 month, two facilitators, 100 schools Year 1 Year 2 Category
Accounting £                                                                                        850.00 £                      400.00 £                 450.00 Project costs
Equipment and other digital costs £                                                                                     2,300.00 £                   1,800.00 £                 500.00 Large equipment (over £250)
Transport £                                                                                        800.00 £                      600.00 £                 200.00 Other staffing costs (recruitment/training/travel)
Facilitator costs 0.7FT (6 months) £                                                                                     7,611.45 £                   7,611.45 £                         - Salary expenditure (including National Insurance and pension)
Facilitator costs 0.3FT (18 months) £                                                                                     7,828.92 £                   3,914.46 £              3,914.46 Salary expenditure (including National Insurance and pension)
Project manager  0.4FT (18months) £                                                                                   17,953.20 £                   8,976.60 £              8,976.60 Salary expenditure (including National Insurance and pension)
Publishing , Design, and online content costs £                                                                                     1,200.00 £                      400.00 £                 800.00 Project costs
Insurance, subscriptions and resources such as books £                                                                                        440.00 £                      220.00 £                 220.00 Project costs
Office costs; phone, internet, printing, sundries, admin services £                                                                                        900.00 £                      450.00 £                 450.00 Small equipment and materials
Events: meetings, focus groups, large showings (cinema hire) £                                                                                     1,400.00 £                      200.00 £              1,200.00 Trips/outings/activities/residential costs
Software development £                                                                                     3,000.00 £                   2,000.00 £              1,000.00 Sessional staff costs
Total Expenditure £                                                                                   44,283.57      

and the totals by catagory are:

Catagory Year 1 Year 2 Total
Large equipment (over £250) 1800 500 2300
Other staffing costs (recruitment/training/travel) 600 200 800
Project costs 1020 1470 2490
Salary expenditure (including National Insurance and pension) 20502.51 12891.06 33393.57
Sessional staff costs 2000 1000 3000
Small equipment and materials 450 450 900
Trips/outings/activities/residential costs 200 1200 1400
joereddington-public commented 5 years ago

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