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Investigate Paul Hamlyn for Ceasar Bond #95

Closed joereddington closed 3 years ago

joereddington commented 4 years ago

Paul Hamlyn

Having read https://www.phf.org.uk/funds/shared-ground-fund/#funding-priorities it's very clear we are 'staying safe'

What do they want?

"We want to positively influence the way that people think, feel and talk about migration and integration so new solutions can be developed." "Challenging the hostile environment – taking action to end hostile environment policies that have proved to be unjust and ineffective" "•A champion of innovation and learning – taking risks, supporting experimentation, and modelling a commitment to reflection and learning"
"our focus at PHF is on the successful integration of people who have migrated to the UK"

We need to talk about how we are building channels for information

"the decisions and actions of people who mirgrate themselves (as central actors in the system"

We are "Supporting Young leadership of people with lived experience of mirgration"

Please provide a brief title for your proposal (max 10 words) Word limit:10

Kick-start a self-funding activity for young migrants to give back

Please provide a brief description of your proposal (max 100 words) Word limit:100

We've build technology that allows groups to smoothly and effectively translate subtitles downloaded from the BBC.

We will run translation clubs in schools for recently migrated students. The kids love feeling their skills are finally valued.

We've also build the website for families to watch the results at home at the same time as the show. This subtitle service excellent resource for families to bond around UK media and also becomes a channel for other information.

Schools are desperate for interventions for these populations and we can make the clubs self funding once the content reaches a critical mass.

Where will this work take place?

How much funding are you applying for?

What is the total cost of the work/project/programme?

When would you like the work to commence?

When would the work end?

Over what period would the PHF funded work take place? (in whole months)

Has your organisation previously applied to PHF for funding?

Has your organisation previously received funding from PHF?

How did you hear about PHF?


What ages are the people who will benefit from this work?

All Ages

Young People (11-30)-Ages 11-15 - only 14+

Young People (11-30)-Ages 16-20

Young People (11-30)-Ages 21-25

Young People (11-30)-Ages 26-30

Adults (31-64)

Older People (65+)

Fund Priorities

Please briefly describe what your organisation does, its main achievements over the last five years, and your track record of achieving a positive impact on the systems, policies or debates affecting young people who migrate and/or communities experiencing high levels of migration. Word limit:250

We have no track record around migration. None. (Other that piloting this project, obviously). We also don't have any evidence we've helped with policies. This project is about increasing leadership and investment for young migrants and access and information for older ones while building an infrastructure for highly fluid communities.

We have a track record for launching and running team-based interventions in schools and making them self-funding. Our White Water Writers project hasn't used grant funding for several years and has run week-long workshops for over 1000 young people since then, with signifiant research evidence of long term rises in attainment.

In general, our organisation designs and delivers interventions for education and health. Our main achievements include:

Which of the aims of the Shared Ground Fund does your proposal primarily relate to?

How will this work help meet the aims and objectives of the Shared Ground Fund?

Objectives for each aim of the Shared Ground Fund can be found on the PHF website in 'what we must see in your application'. Word limit:250

If applying to the 'Staying Safe' aim, how would you describe your approach to working with and/or on behalf of young people who migrate? What has informed your decision to take this approach?

OR, if applying to the 'Living well together' aim, how would you describe your approach to supporting communities to connect and become stronger? What has informed your decision to take this approach? Word limit:250

Please tell us about the problem, challenge or opportunity you plan to address through the proposed work.

If applying to the 'Staying Safe' aim, please begin by briefly describing how the experiences of migration of the young people you want to support have led them to be in greatest need, OR, if applying to the 'Living well together' aim, what the effect of high levels of migration have been upon the geographical area where your work takes place. Word limit:250

What you plan to Explore and Test - your approach, its quality and effectiveness

Explore and test grants are to enable you to learn about the effectiveness of the processes and ways of working that you use and the likely outcomes. We want to support organisations to explore new issues, challenges, and partnerships, to understand and enhance your impact and inform future work.

What do you plan to explore and test? Word limit:250

Why have you chosen to explore and test this approach and what do you hope to find out? Word limit:250

Please outline the activities that you will deliver as part of this Explore and Test grant.

This should include a description of activities, delivery methods and timeframe. Word limit:250

Who might be interested in what you learn from this work and why? How and when will you share the results with them? Word limit:250

Please describe the changes or outcomes that you expect to come about as a result of your work for: a) participants or beneficiaries; b) your organisation; and c) your partners or others involved in delivering the work. Word limit:250

Please state in what ways you expect your work to have a significant impact on young people who have migrated and/or communities experiencing migration, and wider practice or policy during and beyond the life of the grant. Word limit:250

If you intend to work in collaboration with others in the course of this work, please tell us who you plan to work with and why, and what role they will play. Word limit:250

What possible problems or challenges do you anticipate and how do you plan to address them? Word limit:250

Your plans to evaluate and learn from your Explore and Test grant

The following questions aim to help us understand your plans to learn from this Explore and Test grant. This includes how you will know whether your approach is effective and how you will use this information to make improvements during the course of the grant and to inform your future planning.

PHF currently offers two days help from an evaluation adviser to Explore and Test grantees, in addition to the agreed grant. The independent adviser can help you refine your evaluation approach and can advise on the pros and cons of commissioning external help. Further details about how to access this support will be given to applicants whose grants are approved.

How will you collect and assess information about any changes, or outcomes, that come about as a result of your work for a) participants or beneficiaries, b) your organisation, and c) any partners or others involved in delivering the work? Word limit:250

How will you identify and measure your impact on the wider sector, policy-makers and practitioners who you hope to influence? Word limit:250

How will you collect and assess information about the approaches and their effectiveness, that will be used to deliver the work funded by this Explore and Test grant? Word limit:250

How will you reflect on what you are learning through this Explore and Test grant, and how will you use what you are learning to improve your delivery and future planning? Word limit:250

Please briefly tell us about who will be involved in the learning and evaluation elements of the work, how they will be involved, and the relevant skills and experiences they bring to ensure this work is useful to your organisation Word limit:250

Participants' needs and ethical considerations

Please outline how you have designed your approach (including the evaluation and learning) to meet participants' needs and take into account any ethical considerations. For each of the following issues indicate whether it is relevant to your proposal and, if relevant, how it will be dealt with.

Sensitivity to different needs and circumstances (e.g. disabilities, language needs)

Appropriate communication with participants and informed consent

Participant confidentiality and data protection

Risks to participants (e.g. health and safety)

Other, please specify:

Please explain how the proposed approach is designed to meet participants' needs and address the ethical considerations you have identified. Word limit:250

Planning beyond the grant What are possible next steps at the end of this funding? Word limit:250

joereddington commented 3 years ago

Closing in favour of other options.