eQualityTime / TheOpenVoiceFactory

The Open Voice Factory - open software for people with communication difficulties
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Contributor guidelines #96

Closed blaise17 closed 5 years ago

blaise17 commented 6 years ago

Please write up the five aac users as personas and put the most obvious gotchas and questions and guidelines on cognitive load in an faq.

joereddington-public commented 6 years ago

So let's start drafting.

Let's start with the three personas that I don't have to check for permission about... OVF was built with Richard in mind - it is designed to support pre-literate users. The literate personas below are there for discussion and potential expansion.


Richard is in his mid-30s and has developmental difficulties. He has no speech, and limited cognitive ability (no reading and limited working memory. His vision and hearing are fine.

Richard will typically produce outputs of 1-3 symbols (occasionally four) that are presented without tense or indeed much context. Examples might be <dad, sonic, screwdriver>. This turns out NOT to be a Doctor Who reference. Conversations with Richard require a lot of scaffolding:

screen shot 2018-08-28 at 12 15 32

(From this book chapter which is particularly interesting on the topic of user privacy).

Richard has physical issues, but they do NOT interfere with his use of the device. If Richard is given access to the editing functions of the device then he typically will accidentally delete something important and get frustrated.


Rob is a 35 year old who has Down syndrome and Autism. He has no literacy skills and is only a lot recognised 3 letters. ROB. He uses symbols/pictures and photographs in order to generate sentences up to 3 key words in length. He didn’t have access to an electronic communication aid until he was 18. Prior to that he used mine gestures and makaton sign language to get his message accross. This was frustrating and often his attempts to communicate were misinterpreted as challenging behaviour. He lives in the here and now has very little concept of time. For example when Easter is over he continually talks about Halloween as he knows this is the next party to happen. Then quickly moved on to talk about Christmas after Halloween. He uses CK20 and is able to make requests and comments and make most of his daily needs known to his care staff and family.


Larry is a 21 year old chap who has cerebral palsy he uses a manual wheelchair which he is able to self propel. He has a tablet computer attached to his wheelchair CIA a mount and access CK12 via a key guard. The key guard enables him to acutely press the buttons he wants and helps him avoid miss hits. He’s accessing CK12 through the Grid 3 a specialist piece of software which enables him also to have environmental control so he can access his tv turn his lights on/off, open and close his curtains and front door. He can also access social media and YouTube through CK12 on the Grid3. His independence has massively increased in just 1 year of use.


Jenny was a typically developing 16 year old who was expected to gain high GCSE results sh was planning on studying English literature and history at A level and hoped to go on to university. During a family meal to celibate her 16th birthday she suffered an allergic reaction and went into anaphylactic shock. She suffered a cardiac arrest and stopped breathing. Drs work hard to stabilise her but as a result she suffered a massive brain injury and is now ventilated tube fed and relent on 24hour care. She can’t talk, sit stand or walk. She now communicates through CK20 accessed through eye gaze


Lee Ridley

Lee is a professional standup comedy artist who doesn't speak. He uses a device to quickly trigger pre-programmed lines. He accesses his device by the touchscreen easily. He is fully literate and users the programming function extensively. Response speed and editor effectiveness are important to lee's use case.


Stephen has ALS, and accesses his speech device by switch access scanning. He is quite bright. He also uses his device to trigger pre-programmed lines and it is important to him that both programming and accessing the memory can be done with the minimum amount of scanning.

joereddington-public commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/eQualityTime/TheOpenVoiceFactory/wiki/OpenVoiceFactory-Requirements now contains a set of personas. I think the remaining gotchas should arrive as they come up organically. :) Recommend closing the issue.