eXist-db / exist

eXist Native XML Database and Application Platform
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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FORG0001 cannot cast 'xs:anyAtomicType("ext")' to xs:NCName #2267

Open ahenket opened 5 years ago

ahenket commented 5 years ago

eXist-db 4.4.0. Cannot reproduce with eXist-db 2.2

FORG0001 cannot cast 'xs:anyAtomicType("ext")' to xs:NCName [at line 4002, column 40] In function: art:setDecorNamespaces(xs:string, element()*) 

I've not been able to create a simple repro for this, but just from reading the error, it should be clear that "ext" is a proper NCName and so the error is unjustified. Seeking advice on how to get around this problem in eXist-db 4.4.0.

Note that the function below is as complex as it is, because eXist-db insists on ditching every namespace declaration it thinks it doesn't need. So we use pseudo attributes on the root element to force declaration.

The line 4002 that is being called out is the line that declares the function itself. The line that I think it is actually complaining about is the "update delete" line in the function:

(:~ Updates the current DECOR namespace declarations with the given set. The given set is assumed to be the 
:   full set you want to have on the project. The default namespace declarations for hl7 and cda are never updated or deleted
:   The set should have zero or more elements that look like:
:   <ns uri="xx" prefix="yy"/>
:   @param $projectId       - required. Shall match decor/project/@id
:   @param $namespace-nodes - optional. Zero nodes will delete every declaration except xml, hl7 and cda
:   @return nothing
:   @since 2015-03-19
declare function art:setDecorNamespaces($projectId as xs:string, $namespace-nodes as element(ns)*) {
    let $reservedPrefixes   := ('xml','xsi','hl7','cda')
    let $currentDecor       := $get:colDecorData//project[@id=$projectId]/ancestor::decor
    let $ns-set             := $namespace-nodes[string-length(@uri) gt 0][string-length(@prefix) gt 0][not(@prefix = $reservedPrefixes)]

    let $delete             := 
        for $ns in art:getDecorNamespaces($projectId, ())[not(@prefix = $reservedPrefixes)]
        let $ns-uri         := $ns/@uri
        let $ns-prefix      := $ns/@prefix
            update delete $currentDecor/@*[matches(local-name(),'^dummy-\d*')][namespace-uri()=$ns-uri][prefix-from-QName(QName(namespace-uri(),name()))=$ns-prefix]

    let $add                :=
        for $ns at $i in $ns-set
        let $ns-uri         := $ns/@uri
        let $ns-prefix      := $ns/@prefix
            update insert attribute {QName($ns-uri,concat($ns-prefix,':dummy-',$i))} {$ns-uri} into $currentDecor

    (: workaround for eXist-db not recognizing namespaces on the root unless you re-save the whole thing :)
    let $coll               := util:collection-name($currentDecor)
    let $res                := util:document-name($currentDecor)
    let $doc                := doc(concat($coll, '/', $res))
    let $store              := xmldb:store($coll, $res, $doc)

    return ()
duncdrum commented 5 years ago

see #2183, #540

joewiz commented 3 years ago

@ahenket Have you had a chance to test the current eXist develop branch, since https://github.com/eXist-db/exist/pull/3363 was merged? If it's still an issue, could you supply a reproducible test? You might also compare the reproducible test in Saxon and BaseX.

ahenket commented 3 years ago

Thanks for raising attention there. I'm sorry I have not. To date I have never built eXist-db from code, but only worked with releases.

joewiz commented 3 years ago

If you’re interested in testing and would rather use a pre-built eXist binary, you could use Adam’s nightly builds: https://www.evolvedbinary.com/afterdark.html.