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eXist Native XML Database and Application Platform
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Lucene: Diacritics and truncation with GermanAnalyzer or WhitespaceAnalyzer #2781

Open thvitt opened 5 years ago

thvitt commented 5 years ago

What is the problem

When configuring eXist to use Lucene’s GermanAnalyzer or a WhitespaceAnalyzer for the full-text search, search terms containing both umlauts and truncation like Röntgen* to find Röntgenbilder yields no results. With the WhitespaceAnalyser, truncation generally doesn’t seem to lead to results. Using the StandardAnalyzer, everything works as expected.

What did you expect

Röntgen* to find Röntgenbilder regardless of the analyzer.

Describe how to reproduce or add a test

3/9 tests fail for me, see comments below:

xquery version "3.1";

module namespace t="http://www.faustedition.net/exist/test";

declare namespace f="http://www.faustedition.net/ns";
declare namespace test="http://exist-db.org/xquery/xqsuite";

declare variable $t:text := <f:doc>
                                <f:p>Röntgenbilder der Handschriften angefertigt.</f:p>

declare variable $t:xconf := 
        <collection xmlns="http://exist-db.org/collection-config/1.0" xmlns:f="http://www.faustedition.net/ns">
            <index xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
                <fulltext default="none" attributes="false"/>
                    <analyzer id="german" class="org.apache.lucene.analysis.de.GermanAnalyzer"/>
                    <analyzer id="ws" class="org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.WhitespaceAnalyzer"/>

                    <text field="default" qname="f:p"/>
                    <text field="german" qname="f:p" analyzer="german"/>
                    <text field="ws" qname="f:p" analyzer="ws"/>

declare %test:setUp function t:setup() {
    xmldb:create-collection("/db/system/config/db", "test"),
    xmldb:store("/db/system/config/db/test", "collection.xconf", $t:xconf),
    xmldb:create-collection("/db", "test"),
    xmldb:store("/db/test", "test.xml", $t:text),

declare %test:tearDown function t:teardown() {

declare %test:assertExists function t:testDefaultTrunc() {
    ft:query-field('default', 'Röntgen*')  (: default analyzer config :)
}; (: succeeds :) 

declare %test:assertExists function t:testGermanTrunc() {  (: FAILS :)
    ft:query-field('german', 'Röntgen*')   (: GermanAnalyzer :)

declare %test:assertExists function t:testWhitespaceTrunc() { (: FAILS :)
    ft:query-field('ws', 'Röntgen*') (: WhitespaceAnalyzer :)

declare %test:assertExists function t:testDefault() {
    ft:query-field('default', 'Röntgenbilder')  (: default analyzer config :)
}; (: succeeds :) 

declare %test:assertExists function t:testGerman() {
    ft:query-field('german', 'Röntgenbilder')   (: GermanAnalyzer :)

declare %test:assertExists function t:testWhitespace() {
    ft:query-field('ws', 'Röntgenbilder') (: WhitespaceAnalyzer :)

declare %test:assertExists function t:testDefaultASCII() {
    ft:query-field('default', 'Hand*')  (: default analyzer config :)
}; (: succeeds :) 

declare %test:assertExists function t:testGermanASCII() {
    ft:query-field('german', 'Hand*')   (: GermanAnalyzer :)

declare %test:assertExists function t:testWhitespaceASCII() { (: FAILS :)
    ft:query-field('ws', 'Hand*') (: WhitespaceAnalyzer :)

I’ve run the tests on an otherwise clean eXist 5.0-RC7. The problem also exists on eXist 4.4.0.

Context information

dizzzz commented 5 years ago

@wolfgangmm I assume you have experience on this?

duncdrum commented 5 years ago

reproducible on RC8 via docker, however I see 5 test failures out of 9 tests. @thvitt thanks for making this easy to reproduce by adding tests

    <testsuite package="http://www.faustedition.net/exist/test" timestamp="2019-06-10T10:12:43.813Z" tests="9" failures="5" errors="0" pending="0" time="PT0.188S">
        <testcase name="testDefault" class="t:testDefault"/>
        <testcase name="testDefaultASCII" class="t:testDefaultASCII"/>
        <testcase name="testDefaultTrunc" class="t:testDefaultTrunc"/>
        <testcase name="testGerman" class="t:testGerman">
            <failure message="assertExists failed." type="failure-error-code-1"/>
        <testcase name="testGermanASCII" class="t:testGermanASCII"/>
        <testcase name="testGermanTrunc" class="t:testGermanTrunc">
            <failure message="assertExists failed." type="failure-error-code-1"/>
        <testcase name="testWhitespace" class="t:testWhitespace">
            <failure message="assertExists failed." type="failure-error-code-1"/>
        <testcase name="testWhitespaceASCII" class="t:testWhitespaceASCII">
            <failure message="assertExists failed." type="failure-error-code-1"/>
        <testcase name="testWhitespaceTrunc" class="t:testWhitespaceTrunc">
            <failure message="assertExists failed." type="failure-error-code-1"/>