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Trismegistos: name mappings #301

Open tuurma opened 3 years ago

tuurma commented 3 years ago

TM has at least 6 name categories (given name, double name, triple name, pseudo1, pseudo2, pseudo3), but all with the same structure:


So, cases above would be imported into LGPN as:


                        <nym type="main" nymRef="Μαρρης" ana="greek" n="1" cert="high" tm_ref="15068">
                            <seg type="linking"/>
                            <form type="attested" tm_ref="36247">
                                <persName xml:lang="grc" ana="Nom" corresp="1" tm_age="" tm_cluster="person" tm_ref="21566" n="fr. a ro 15">Φαμούνει</persName>

tuurma commented 2 years ago

small changes to the previous version