eXoCooLd / Waveshare.EPaperDisplay

.Net Core Library to show images on Waveshare E-Paper Displays
MIT License
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Would appreciate support for EPD_4in2 #18

Open VictorioBerra opened 1 year ago

VictorioBerra commented 1 year ago

Spec https://www.waveshare.com/w/upload/6/6a/4.2inch-e-paper-specification.pdf

Link to C example https://github.com/waveshare/e-Paper/blob/master/RaspberryPi_JetsonNano/c/examples/EPD_4in2_test.c

I tried to make my own configuration, but I dont really understand how to read the command table in the specs as I am a noob.

eXoCooLd commented 1 year ago

Hi, i think you used the wrong c file to understand the spec :-). Try this one: https://github.com/waveshare/e-Paper/blob/master/RaspberryPi_JetsonNano/c/lib/e-Paper/EPD_4in2.c

There are a lot of defines (but they dont use them in there methodes) For example in EPD_4IN2_Init_Partial they send 0x01 that is defined as POWER_SETTING In the spec you can find it in 6. Command Table.

I hope that helps you to understand the command table in the spec.

VictorioBerra commented 1 year ago

@eXoCooLd Thanks this does help! Why do they have the defines and then not use them?

Also, in EPD_4IN2_Init_Partial I see the following:

    EPD_4IN2_SendCommand(0x01); // POWER SETTING

And then in the table I see the following:


Why are they sending 0x2b twice? And what does that do exactly?

eXoCooLd commented 1 year ago

I don't know why they don't user there defines (code quality?)

They send Data (Values for voltage, timing ...) See page 13 in the Spec.

chlaxmaiah commented 1 year ago

Hi eXoCooLd Thanks for your effort in developing c# library for graphics. I am trying to add support for Waves share 2.7 inch display. i ahve added all commands such as poweron, off,sleep etc.. and added a new folder to devices folder of solution.

i am getting some blurred image.

could you help me with required steps to add support.

Thanks & Regards Dsreddy

eXoCooLd commented 1 year ago

Hi @chlaxmaiah can you share your forked code, maybe you just missed a small detail. :-)

chlaxmaiah commented 1 year ago


chlaxmaiah commented 1 year ago

Hi @eXoCooLd . shared the waveshre folder where I have added device support. please review and let me know the steps to add the support for new device 2.7

chlaxmaiah commented 1 year ago


chlaxmaiah commented 1 year ago

Also uploaded example fies