eXtensibleCatalog / Drupal-Toolkit

The eXtensible Catalog Drupal Toolkit
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Source ILS record node lookup feature #346

Open patrickzurek opened 7 years ago

patrickzurek commented 7 years ago

JIRA issue created by: rcook Originally opened: 2011-03-22 02:59 PM

Issue body: (nt)

patrickzurek commented 7 years ago

JIRA Comment by user: rcook JIRA Timestamp: 2011-03-22 03:00 PM

Comment body:

Copy from Dave L email:

The XC manifestation records in the Drupal Toolkit already include the bib id from the MARC records that they were created from. If we add a feature to the Drupal Toolkit: specifically, we would add a URL syntax based on bibliographic id). It might look something like this:

http://drupaltoolkit.kyushu.edu/?bib_id=123456 and going to this url would redirect the browser to the full record display page for the manifestation related to bib id 123456 in the Drupal Toolkit.

Then, Summon could make use of this URL syntax to direct users of Kyushu's Summon interface directly into the Drupal Toolkit catalog.