eXtensibleCatalog / Drupal-Toolkit

The eXtensible Catalog Drupal Toolkit
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Registration Page for XC users #475

Open patrickzurek opened 7 years ago

patrickzurek commented 7 years ago

JIRA issue created by: rcook Originally opened: 2010-12-20 07:50 PM

Issue body: (nt)

patrickzurek commented 7 years ago

JIRA Comment by user: rcook JIRA Timestamp: 2010-12-20 07:51 PM

Comment body:

I was just pondering the idea of having some sort of registration page/form/site so that institutions can either self report, or perhaps send information to me such as :

• Name of Institution • Contact Name • Contact phone, email etc. • Place to note which software they are using • Comments that can include how they are using it, etc.