eXtensibleCatalog / Drupal-Toolkit

The eXtensible Catalog Drupal Toolkit
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Run harvest process and store to get measurements #585

Closed patrickzurek closed 7 years ago

patrickzurek commented 7 years ago

JIRA issue created by: rcook Originally opened: 2010-10-08 05:05 PM

Issue body: (nt)

patrickzurek commented 7 years ago

JIRA Comment by user: pkiraly JIRA Timestamp: 2010-11-10 01:23 PM

Comment body:

This task should be run several times. Each run's duration depend on the hw environment, and the size of the collection I harvests. My "standard" 670K record set takes less than 45 minutes in my computer, but it is 3-4 times longer in the server (.179). When I improve the code, I like to measure every little steps. So the process is: code change - deployment - database clearence - harvesting - drawing conclusions based upon the stored measures. One such circle takes about one hour. I should run this at least 20-50 times, after every modification of the processing code or the measurement codes.

patrickzurek commented 7 years ago

Issue resolved: 2013-06-20 04:12 PM