ea-czech-republic / efektivnialtruismus.cz

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installing pop-up window #141

Open DavidJanku opened 4 years ago

DavidJanku commented 4 years ago

Problem: since there is quite a lot of content on the website already, I assume that some people will get the value out of the website only by reading the content and deciding to change their focus based on that, without applying for coaching (based on some accidental feedback this actually already happened a few times). Since we don't have any mechanism to track these people unless they apply for coaching, we might be missing information about some part of the value we create.

Potential solution: installing a pop-up window on the Topics page with a text

"Would you like to get updates on our advice and recommendations? (--> link to newsletter sign up page)"

that will appear to all users who spend more than 120 seconds on the page. The pop-up window should ideally not be that intrusive (ie should not make it impossible for a visitor to continue browsing the page without interacting with the window) but should catch the attention of most visitors.

I've tried installing something like that via Hotjar with a condition that after 120 seconds spent on the page the window will appear.

DavidJanku commented 4 years ago

if programming our own pop-up window proves difficult, we can use this code generated by Mailchimp. The disadvantages are that it does not allow to set the timing after which the window appears (the option are only 10 or 20 seconds which is too early; or on exiting the site which I chose in the end) and also only allows the pop-up window over the whole screen (which is pretty intrusive), not the "chat window" that hotjar uses