eadorin / about-face

FoundryVTT Module to rotate tokens on move
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Compatibility Issue between about-face and Multilevel tokens #49

Open Sekierer opened 3 years ago

Sekierer commented 3 years ago

I think since the the 1.7 version update (and also in the most current 2.0.x one) it behaves like this. When you enter a Multilevel Token area that is set to "Cloning" the token will spin uncontrolably around, causing huge lags and eventually breaking the game (it did for my players so I deactivated about face mid session when I noticed it). Since I really love the about-face module with topdown tokens, I usually go back to the 1.6.9 version, where that didn't occur (for now^^)

Same explanation but with a video on the discord https://discord.com/channels/170995199584108546/722566083499786352/784449674693443585

Hequinoxe commented 3 years ago

Same two mods but another issue; seems like having both mods the teleport feature of multilevel behave in a weird way. It will teleport the token back and forth if you make portal in/out both way. The author of Multilevel says there's a part of the code to prevent that issue but when About face is activated it looks like the protection is overridden. I also had the issue above BTW.