Closed LynnBaron closed 12 years ago
Can you send the c3dfile b_20110628_970510v027_04.c3d to ?
This c3d-file has a label "Afwezig" instead of "LGAS" and our software expects the label "LGAS" to be there for further processing. Fixing this is not an easy task and will not happen in the near future. My suggestion: (if possible) is to re-process the file and put some (fake) emg in it and mark it "not for use".
Ik heb telkens weer een foutmelding bij 1 patiënt. En eigenlijk heel vreemd want het zijn trial 3 en 4 die problemen geven en 5 kan ik gewoon inlezen. Ik heb trial 3 en 4 al enkele keren opnieuw geprocessed, ook de originele c3d ingelezen, maar altijd dezelfde foutmelding. Ik heb ze in bijlage gezet. Heb jij enig idee wat het probleem is?
GUI started loading normal database... loading normal database done. reading .\patienten nathalie\vincent peeters\b_20110628_970510v027_04.c3d reading .\patienten nathalie\vincent peeters\b_20110628_970510v027_04.c3d Error in ==> analog_label at 21 if nargin < 3
??? Output argument "index" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "D:\KATRIEN\c3dtools_2011_03_28\analog_label.m (analog_label)".
Error in ==> selection_window>get_segment_ndx at 586 ndx = analog_label(h,smuscle);
Error in ==> selection_window>set_data at 539 [handles.cached.rb,ndx,] = get_segment_ndx(handles.cached.rb,, ...
Error in ==> selection_window>menu_file_load_Callback at 438 set_data(hObject,handles,mj_patient);
Error in ==> gui_mainfcn at 96 feval(varargin{:});
Error in ==> selection_window at 46 gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in ==> @(hObject,eventdata)selection_window('menu_file_load_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
??? Error while evaluating uimenu Callback