eagle-land / CalendarApp

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Create Tests for get_free_time function #59

Closed Orinhiggins closed 5 years ago

Orinhiggins commented 5 years ago

**What task needs done? (Should only be one thing) Tests created for the get_free_time function located in calendar.py All tests work with the function

**Is this related to a user story? Which one? Related to #53

Done = Test Engineer, Lead Engineer, and Lead Developer sign off on all tests and completion.

Orinhiggins commented 5 years ago

@bryceb96 @jakeweidokal

Review and add your initials after review, when that is completed and everyone has signed off, then move to "Done- current sprint" please

lukerinehart commented 5 years ago

test_get_shared_freetimes.py runs and all tests pass with warnings -LR

bryceb1108 commented 5 years ago

BB - test_get_shared_freetimes.py passed the tests with 5 warnings.