eagle00789 / RC_Filters

Roundcube Clientside Filter
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 5 forks source link

Filterpriority and Folders to scan. #5

Open kuttkutt opened 9 years ago

kuttkutt commented 9 years ago


first of all - tanks for the plugin.

I would like to suggest some improvements to the handling of the Filterules.

Let me explain this using an example: I have 2 filterrules: The first rule check for SPAM in the subject. The second rule checks for the reciepient adress and moves the Mail to a seperate folder. (lets say I have one account where 2 mail adresses are forwarded to and want each adress in a sepaerate folder)

Now a Spam - tagged mail comes in an gets moved to the Spam Folder. I click on the Spam folder and the mail is moved by the 2nd Rule to the corresponding folder. I click on that folder and the mail is moved right away back to the spam folder.

It would be nice if the filtersystem would be made like the one in squirrelmail. There you could set it to apply the filters only to the Inbox and the filters had a priority system. The first filter catching the Mail moved it. If the behavior was wrong then you just rearrange the the Filters.

Would that be possible?

johnwayne4d commented 7 years ago

i second this request!