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Megatron-LM: Training Multi-Billion Parameter Language Models Using Model Parallelism #8

Open eagle705 opened 2 years ago

eagle705 commented 2 years ago







Background and Challenges

Transformer Langauge Models and Multi-Head Attention


Data and Model Parallelism in Deep Learning

Model Parallel Transformers

Code 1. Implementation of f operator.

g is similar to f with identity in the backward and all-reduce in the forward functions.


- for the **self attention block** we exploit inherent parallelism in the multihead attention operation, partitioning the GEMMs associated with key (K), query (Q), and value (V ) in a column parallel fashion such that the matrix multiply corresponding to each attention head is done locally on one GPU. This allows us to split per attention head parameters and workload across the GPUs, and doesn't require any immediate communication to complete the self-attention
- The subsequent GEMM from the output linear layer (after self attention) is parallelized along its rows and takes the output of the parallel attention layer directly, without requiring communication between the GPUs.
- This approach for both the MLP and self attention layer fuses groups of two GEMMs, eliminates a synchronization point in between, and results in better scaling
<img width="532" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7252598/169794932-272b6e2e-75ed-4f16-adf1-af1453764783.png">

- This enables us to perform all GEMMs in a simple transformer layer using **only two all-reduces in the forward path(self-attn g func에서 한번 MLP g func에서 한번) ** and **two in the backward path (self-attn f func에서 한번 MLP f func에서 한번)**

<img width="1507" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7252598/169791604-8a04422a-41db-4405-9760-768699ec2e11.png">







- We parallelize the input embedding weight matrix E_{H×v} along the vocabulary dimension E = [E1, E2] (column-wise)
- To reduce the communication size, we fuse the output of the parallel GEMM [Y1 , Y2 ] with the cross entropy loss which reduces the dimension to b × s. **Communicating scalar losses instead of logits** is a huge reduction in communication that improves the efficiency of our model parallel approach.
- Rather than having one GPU compute part of the dropout, layer normalization, or residual connections and broadcast the results to other GPUs, we choose to duplicate the computation across GPUs. Specifi- cally, we maintain duplicate copies of layer normalization parameters on each GPU, and take the output of the model parallel region and run dropout and residual connection on these tensors before feeding them as input to the next model parallel regions
  - 카피 했다는게, 각자 그냥 갖고 있는다는건지.. 아니면 하나가 계산한 값을 같이 쓴다는건지.. 후자는 좀 이상한거같고

## Setup
- In this work we focus on GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019), a left- to-right generative transformer based language model, and BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), a bi-directional transformer model based on language model masking

### Training Dataset
- filtered out all the documents with content length less than 128 tokens
- used locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) to deduplicate content with a jaccard similarity greater than 0.7
- resulting aggregate corpus contains 174 GB of deduplicated text

### Training Optimization and Hyperparameters
- utilize **mixed precision training with dynamic loss scaling** to take advantage of the V100’s Tensor Cores

ref: https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/performance/mixed-precision-training/index.html Q: How does dynamic scaling work? A: Dynamic loss scaling basically attempts to ride the edge of the highest loss scale it can use without causing gradient overflow, to make full use of the FP16 dynamic range.

It does so by beginning with a high loss scale value (say, 2^24), then in each iteration, checking the gradients for overflows (infs/NaNs). If none of the gradients overflowed, gradients are unscaled (in FP32) and optimizer.step() is applied as usual. If an overflow was detected, optimizer.step is patched to skip the actual weight update (so that the inf/NaN gradients do not pollute the weights) and the loss scale is reduced by some factor F (F=2 by default). This takes care of reducing the loss scale to a range where overflows are not produced. However, it's only half the story.

What if, at some later point, training has stabilized and a higher loss scale is permissible? For example, later in training, gradient magnitudes tend to be smaller, and may require a higher loss scale to prevent underflow. Therefore, dynamic loss scaling also attempts to increase the loss scale by a factor of F every N iterations (N=2000 by default). If increasing the loss scale causes an overflow once more, the step is skipped and the loss scale is reduced back to the pre-increase value as usual. In this way, by: reducing the loss scale whenever a gradient overflow is encountered, and Intermittently attempting to increase the loss scale, the goal of riding the edge of the highest loss scale that can be used without causing overflow is (roughly) accomplished.

- initializing our weights W with a simple normal distribution W ∼ N (0, 0.02)
- then scale weights immediately before residual layers by 1/root(2N) where N is the number of transformer layers comprised of self attention and MLP blocks
- our optimizer we utilize Adam (Kingma & Ba, 2014) with weight decay (Loshchilov & Hutter, 2019) λ = 0.01.
- use global gradient norm clipping of 1.0 to improve the stability of training large models.
- dropout of 0.1 is used
- to better manage our memory footprint we utilize activation checkpointing (Chen et al., 2016) after every transformer layer.
- For GPT-2 models
  - all training is performed with sequences of 1024 subword units at a batch size of 512 for 300k iterations. 
  - Our learning rate of 1.5e-4 utilizes a warmup period of 3k iterations before following a single cycle cosine decay over the remaining 297k iterations
  - We stop the decay at a minimum learning rate of 1e-5.
- For BERT models
  - use the original BERT dictionary with vocab size of 30,522
  - replace the next sentence prediction head with sentence order prediction
  - use whole word n-gram masking 
  - set the batch size to 1024 and use a learning rate of 1.0e-4 warmed up over 10,000 iterations and decayed linearly over 2 million iterations. Other training parameters are kept the same as (Devlin et al., 2018).

## Experiments
- 실험용 머신
  - 32 DGX-2H servers (a total of 512 Tesla V100 SXM3 32GB GPUs)
  - multi-node deep learning applications, with 300 GB/sec bandwidth between GPUs inside a server via NVSwitch and 100 GB/sec of interconnect bandwidth between servers using 8 InfiniBand adapters per server

### Scaling Analysis
- consider GPT-2 models with four sets of parameters detailed in Table 1
- To have consistent GEMM sizes in the self attention layer, the hidden size per attention head is kept constant at 96 while the number of heads and layers are varied to obtain configurations ranging from 1 billion to 8 billion parameters
- 1.2 billion parameters fits on a single GPU whereas the 8 billion parameter model requires 8-way model parallelism (8 GPUs).
- original vocabulary size was 50,257, 
  - however, to have efficient GEMMs for the logit layer, it is beneficial for the per-GPU vocabulary size to be a multiple of 128.
  - Since we study up to 8-way model parallelism, we pad the vocabulary such that it is divisible by 128 × 8 = 1024, resulting in a padded vocabulary size of 51,200.
    - 그럼 나머지 1024 * 5에 해당하는 5개는 뭘까.. 8 way씩 5개를 쓴건가
- For the **model parallel scaling, a fixed batch size of 8** is used across all configurations.
  - Data parallel scaling is necessary for training many state of the art models which typically use a much larger global batch size.
  - To this end, for the **model+data parallel** cases we fix the global **batch size to 512** for all experiments which corresponds to **64-way data parallelism**.

<img width="407" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7252598/169964881-f9facd09-498c-4171-8f0c-61987e0a3981.png">

-  observe excellent scaling numbers in both settings. For example, the 8.3 billion parameters case with 8-way (8 GPU) model parallelism achieves 77% of linear scaling. Model+data parallelism requires further communication of gradients and as a result the scaling numbers drop slightly. However, even for the largest configuration (8.3 billion parameters) running on 512 GPUs, we achieve 74% scaling relative to linear scaling of the strong single GPU baseline configuration (1.2 billion parameters).
  - weak scaling -> linear 대비 나쁘지않다

### Language Modeling Results Using GPT-2
<img width="472" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7252598/169968501-54d315af-d484-4612-97e4-5c8afb268128.png">

<img width="468" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7252598/169968717-ab24a4bb-89b2-4252-bed1-c3b115e36259.png">

### Bi-directional Transformer Results Using BERT
- Prior work (Lan et al., 2019) found that increasing model size beyond BERT-large with 336M parameters results in unexpected model degradation. To address this degradation, the authors of that work (Lan et al., 2019) introduced parameter sharing and showed that that their models scale much better compared to the original BERT model.
  - BERT에서 스케일업하려면 param sharing이 필요하다는건가..
- We further investigated this behaviour and empirically demonstrated that **rearranging the order of the layer normalization and the residual connections** as shown in Figure 7 is critical to enable the scaling of the BERT-style models beyond BERT-Large.
<img width="462" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7252598/169969872-d9686b5d-7545-48fb-9a20-d68bbd9791e9.png">

- In all cases, the hidden size per attention head is kept constant at 64. 336M and 1.3B models are trained for 2 million iterations while the 3.9B model is trained for 1.5 million iterations and is still training.
- **For finetuning**, we follow the same procedure as (Liu et al., 2019b -> 로버타 논문인듯..?). We **first perform hyperparameter tuning on batch size and learning rate**. Once we obtain the best values, we report the median development set results over 5 different random seeds for initialization
<img width="404" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7252598/169971514-362a89eb-9523-4c9d-972f-0e31ffc5f324.png">

<img width="816" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7252598/169970590-8b90ab49-453d-45a5-a88c-44460f8088a4.png">

## Conclusion and Future Work
- we successfully surpassed the limitations posed by traditional single-GPU-per-model training by implementing model parallelism with only a few modifications to the existing PyTorch transformer implementations
- showed that for BERT models, careful attention to the placement of layer normalization in BERT-like models is critical to achieving increased accuracies as the model size increases
- model size on down-stream task accuracy and achieve far superior results on downstream tasks and establish new SOTA for WikiText103, LAMBADA, and RACE datasets