Extract N columns of atmospheric and prognostic state (given indices and/or lat-lons) from an E3SMv1 NetCDF output or restart file
What kind of tools do we need? Should we extract E3SM data and write it to another file for reading by Haero?
Generate columns with uniform properties?
Generate columns with randomly distributed properties (given a distribution)?
How do we convert the E3SMv1 atmospheric state to our own representation?
Given state data in a NetCDF file that has been extracted from E3SM (or perhaps generated statistically), we can create functions for populating Prognostics and Atmosphere containers directly, and also add some YAML options to the driver's input spec to allow it to support this.
We should find a couple of E3SMv1 restart files as a starting point. E3SMv1 also has a tool that allows a user to extract data for multiple columns. Balwinder can look into this.
Which variables from E3SM are needed to initialize a Haero calculation?
Support two ways to specify aerosol modes and species:
Define modes and species in Haero and validate E3SM simulation data
Extract modes and species from E3SM simulation data itself
Need conventions for mode/species labels (and corresponding documentation), because E3SM and MAM may use different conventions.
Hui can ask Kai about interesting initialization machinery and/or cases in the box model that can be used in Haero.
Given state data in a NetCDF file that has been extracted from E3SM (or perhaps generated statistically), we can create functions for populating
containers directly, and also add some YAML options to the driver's input spec to allow it to support this.We should find a couple of E3SMv1 restart files as a starting point. E3SMv1 also has a tool that allows a user to extract data for multiple columns. Balwinder can look into this.
Which variables from E3SM are needed to initialize a Haero calculation?
Support two ways to specify aerosol modes and species:
Need conventions for mode/species labels (and corresponding documentation), because E3SM and MAM may use different conventions.
Hui can ask Kai about interesting initialization machinery and/or cases in the box model that can be used in Haero.