ealeksandrov / EAIntroView

Highly customizable drop-in solution for introduction views.
MIT License
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Black Screen #215

Closed lebomb closed 6 years ago

lebomb commented 6 years ago

I am trying to get the EAIntroView to work for Swift (4) with StoryBoard.

Following the guides I made an IBOutlet with the EAIntroView (View with EAIntroView class)

And when I run the app, the view shows up, but when I swipe I get a black screen even though I can see the pages were added to the view (multiple dots at the bottom)

Do you have any idea how this comes?

It might very well be a rookie mistake since I am picking Swift up again since a long time.

The library looks great so I really want to make it work, snippet below :)

@IBOutlet weak var introView: EAIntroView!

override func viewDidLoad() {
        introView.pages = [];

        let welcomePage = EAIntroPage()
        welcomePage.title = "Welcome"

// more pages...

        introView.swipeToExit = false
        introView.showSkipButtonOnlyOnLastPage = true
        introView.tapToNext = true
lebomb commented 6 years ago

My bad fixed it.