eaplatanios / tensorflow_scala

TensorFlow API for the Scala Programming Language
Apache License 2.0
937 stars 95 forks source link

added basics examples and Toree notebook how to do #25

Closed Mageswaran1989 closed 6 years ago

Mageswaran1989 commented 6 years ago


I moved from old branch (https://github.com/eaplatanios/tensorflow_scala/pull/23) to current branch after couple of explorartion on presenting the examples in Jupyer Notebook environment.

Notebook view @ https://github.com/iaja/tensorflow_scala/blob/examples/cookbook/Tensors%20and%20PlaceHolders.ipynb

I managed that with older version of tensorflow_scala library.

Need your "ATTENTION" to continue further, as with latest branch I am not able to compile!

Waiting @ https://gitter.im/tensorflow_scala/Lobby for more chats!

eaplatanios commented 6 years ago

@Mageswaran1989 Sorry for the delay with integrating this but I was dealing with lots of stuff and I prioritized getting a release ready that works for all pre-compiled binaries. Can you please test and verify that your code and examples with work with the 0.1.1 release (not the snapshot one)?

Mageswaran1989 commented 6 years ago

Got into some official work, will look into this and revert ASAP.

eaplatanios commented 6 years ago

@Mageswaran1989 Do you plan to update this for the current version? If not, I'll have to close it. I have plans to make some tutorials soon.

Mageswaran1989 commented 6 years ago

@eaplatanios I am resuming the work! Please let me know your inputs if you have any.

mageswarandhandapani commented 6 years ago


I am getting following linker error: Caused by: org.platanios.tensorflow.jni.NotFoundException: /tmp/tensorflow_scala_native_libraries1309267377490548090/libtensorflow_ops.so: undefined symbol: _ZN10tensorflow20OpKernelConstruction21CtxFailureWithWarningEPKciRKNS_6StatusE at org.platanios.tensorflow.jni.TensorFlow$.loadOpLibrary(Native Method) at org.platanios.tensorflow.jni.TensorFlow$.$anonfun$load$6(TensorFlow.scala:107) at scala.Option.foreach(Option.scala:257)

can you share your env details?

eaplatanios commented 6 years ago

That's probably because you need to update your TensorFlow binaries. I would suggest recompiling the TensorFlow shared libraries using the current master branch of the main TensorFlow repository.

Mageswaran1989 commented 6 years ago

Closing this as this has some merge conflicts