eaplatanios / tensorflow_scala

TensorFlow API for the Scala Programming Language
Apache License 2.0
936 stars 96 forks source link

proper releasing process #72

Closed pawelpanasewicz closed 6 years ago

pawelpanasewicz commented 6 years ago

The project lacks of versioning and releasing which brings a lot of problems when maintaining the codebase depending on it. Furthermore reporting issues can be tricky because there is no way to tell the version of code which caused the problem. Everything has 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.

At the moment only snapshot version are published to the OSS sonatype repository everytime overriding previous artifacts. As well there is missing information against which version of tensorflow this library was built which brings another group of problems when setting up environment for work.

sbrunk commented 6 years ago

Actually that has already changed. 0.1.0 is released with non snapshot binaries on maven central now: https://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|platanios

Beware that there's a bug #64 in 0.1.0 preventing it to work on Linux but 0.1.1 should be out soon.

pawelpanasewicz commented 6 years ago

ohhh, I've just spotted that first release was just created 2 days ago. Well done! What version of tesnsorflow does it work with?

pawelpanasewicz commented 6 years ago

There is a val tensorFlowVersion = "1.5.0-rc1" in build.sbt in 0.1.0 release. Does it point to tensorflow version which this library was developed agains?

eaplatanios commented 6 years ago

@pawelpanasewicz Yes that is right. I'm currently working on standardizing the release process and the continuous integration environment. It's quite tricky given that I want to provide pre-compiled binaries for different platforms and I need to setup an environment for cross-compiling the native code for all supported platforms. This should be ready soon though. :)

eaplatanios commented 6 years ago

Given that there is now a release process in place and that the cross-compiling bug seems to have been fixed in 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT (soon to be 0.1.1), I'll go ahead close this.