earl / beanstalkc

A simple beanstalkd client library for Python
Apache License 2.0
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Burst of DeadlineSoon exceptions #17

Closed gonvaled closed 12 years ago

gonvaled commented 12 years ago

I get over 6700 exceptions in under a second, and then it works normally again. What exactly happens is as follows (please, see my implementation of BOSS and WORKER below): 1) The boss and the worker connects 2) I put a job in the tube 3) I receive it 4) Some time later, lots of DeadlineSoon exceptions arrive, very fast 5) After ca. 1s, they stop again, and a new job is received (which I never sent) 6) the situation is normal again, for a while, until we find ourselves again in step 4

My implementation is as follows:

class BeanstalkWorker:
    '''This class receives jobs from beanstalkd, encoded as JSON strings'''
    def __init__ (self, bt_tube, process_data, host = BEANSTALK_HOST, port = BEANSTALK_PORT):
        module_log.info("Connecting to beanstalk host %s, port %d, tube %s" % (host, port, bt_tube))
        self.json_support = JsonSupport()
        self.process_data = process_data
            self.beanstalk    = beanstalkc.Connection(host=host, port=port)
        except beanstalkc.SocketError, e:
            module_log.warning("Problems connecting to beanstalk host %s, port %d: %s" % (host, port, e))
            self.beanstalk = None

    def show_stats(self):

    def run(self):
        if not self.beanstalk:
            module_log.warning("We have no connection to the beanstalk host")
        stop_requested = False
        while True:
                job = self.beanstalk.reserve(timeout=1)
            except beanstalkc.DeadlineSoon, e:
                module_log.info("DeadlineSoon: %s" % (e))
                job = None
            if not job:
                module_log.info("No job")
                if stop_requested : break
            else :
                module_log.info("Job found")
                data = self.json_support.Decode(job.body)
                if data:
                    if data.get('management', None) == 'STOP':
                        module_log.info("STOP requested")
                        stop_requested = True
                    else :
                        if self.process_data(data):
                            module_log.info("Job completed")

class BeanstalkBoss:
    '''This class sends dictionaries encoded as JSON strings to beanstalkd'''
    def __init__ (self, bt_tube, host = BEANSTALK_HOST, port = BEANSTALK_PORT):
        module_log.info("Connecting to beanstalk host %s, port %d, tube %s" % (host, port, bt_tube))
            self.beanstalk = beanstalkc.Connection(host=host, port=port)
        except beanstalkc.SocketError, e:
            module_log.warning("Problems connecting to beanstalk host %s, port %d: %s" % (host, port, e))
            self.beanstalk = None
        self.json_support = JsonSupport()

    def put(self, data):
        if not self.beanstalk:
            module_log.warning("We have no connection to the beanstalk host")
        json = self.json_support.Encode(data)

This is the output:

2012-01-30 16:11:21,829 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
2012-01-30 16:11:22,833 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
2012-01-30 16:11:23,837 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
2012-01-30 16:11:24,841 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
2012-01-30 16:11:25,845 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
2012-01-30 16:11:26,848 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
2012-01-30 16:11:27,852 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
2012-01-30 16:11:28,856 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
2012-01-30 16:11:29,861 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
2012-01-30 16:11:30,865 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
2012-01-30 16:11:31,520 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - DeadlineSoon: []
2012-01-30 16:11:31,520 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
2012-01-30 16:11:31,521 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - DeadlineSoon: []
2012-01-30 16:11:31,521 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
2012-01-30 16:11:31,521 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - DeadlineSoon: []
2012-01-30 16:11:31,521 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
2012-01-30 16:11:31,521 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - DeadlineSoon: []
2012-01-30 16:11:31,521 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
2012-01-30 16:11:31,521 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - DeadlineSoon: []
2012-01-30 16:11:31,521 - beanstalk_support    - INFO       -       - No job
gonvaled commented 12 years ago

I have investigated the issue a bit, and it seems related to not returning "True" in the process_data function, which prevents the job from being deleted from the tube. The question remains if a burst of DeadlineSoon exception is to be expected in that situation.

gonvaled commented 12 years ago

Actually, the problem was that I was not deleting the job from the queue: I was receiving a job without data in the body (I do not know why) and my code was not handling properly that case. Now I also delete the jobs which have no data in the body.

The question is anyway still open: why so many DeadlineSoon exceptions, so fast?

earl commented 12 years ago

Yes, after a quick look at the code you don't delete a successfully reserved job if the job's body is empty.

So that means you have a job reserved, which you didn't delete, and then loop through to reserve(timeout=1) to wait for another job to reserve. As soon as the time-to-run of the first job (which you didn't delete) comes close to zero, beanstalkd will signal that by answering each reserve immediately with a DEADLINE_SOON reply. As you are not doing anything except outputting a log message in the DEADLINE_SOON case, you are basically busy-looping over reserve calls. In other words, you send reserves as fast as possible, beanstalkd answers with DEADLINE_SOON as fast as possible. And this will of course result in a lot of DeadlineSoon exceptions.

I hope that helps explaining what's going on.

gonvaled commented 12 years ago

Thanks earl, understood. The only open question that remains is: why am I getting jobs with empty body? I am the only one putting jobs in the tube, and they have definitely data.

earl commented 12 years ago

In the code snippet above, it's not really the body you are checking, but the result after JSON decoding. Maybe something's wrong in the JSON encoding/decoding.