earlSt1 / vtt-compendium-folders

Collapsable folders in the compendium directory and folder structures inside compendiums for FoundryVTT
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Module is not working properly in D&D 3.5 SRD #78

Closed irbian closed 3 years ago

irbian commented 3 years ago


Don´t know if the problem comes from the module or 3.5, but is not working properly,

A icon appear on the left of the title of the folder, hiding the title

And some extra buttons on the bottom don´t appear

earlSt1 commented 3 years ago

Hi, can you send a screenshot of the problem?

Also which version of system + compendium folders are you on?

irbian commented 3 years ago


Last versions of everything

Foundry VTT 0.8.6 D35E 0.93.2 Compendium folders 2.3.1

Bugged: image

Not bugged: image

earlSt1 commented 3 years ago

Huh, i didnt know about this system! Maybe it has been updated recently which would explain why i havent had any other reports :smile:

I've just pushed an update to the test version which fixes this. Can you uninstall your current compendium folders and install this one using the manifest here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/earlSt1/vtt-compendium-folders/082-update/test/module.json

irbian commented 3 years ago

Looks ok for me! I´ll ask others using the same system if they found everything allright! :D

earlSt1 commented 3 years ago

Haha i suspect they will also have the same issues as you. If theyre in desperate need of it working they can also use that manifest i sent you. When i release the next version through foundry it will auto-update.

earlSt1 commented 3 years ago

Fix included in v2.3.2