earlephilhower / ESP8266Audio

Arduino library to play MOD, WAV, FLAC, MIDI, RTTTL, MP3, and AAC files on I2S DACs or with a software emulated delta-sigma DAC on the ESP8266 and ESP32
GNU General Public License v3.0
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just noise on Wemos LOLIN D32 #672

Closed sartyx closed 3 months ago

sartyx commented 3 months ago


I just tried the PlayWAVFromPROGMEM example on a LOLIN Wemos D32.

Though I am getting only noise. I started with using the pins:

25,33,26 = LRC,BCLK,DOUT

25,26 are DAC pins on the D32 board,

I used them in an alternative way with the XT-DAC lib and a PAM amp, so I left the wiring where it was but got only loud noise with the ESP8266Audio lib, the XT-I2S at least plays some sound but it is also chopped and not clean as it should be.

Then I thought I might use some different pins and switched over to

bclkPin = 22; wclkPin = 21; doutPin = 13;

( I hardcoded the pins to the lib, cause I found no description how to change them otherwise. ;-) )

This leads to a slightly better result but still the sound is more noise than anything else. Far far away from what it should sound like which would be this http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/wav/viola.wav

MAX98357A board for the I2S sound used ESP8266Audio version=1.9.7

Anyone with more luck?

earlephilhower commented 3 months ago

That example doesn't use an I2S DAC, just a delta-sigma R/C filter on the data pin. Change to an AudioOutputI2S if you have a real DAC attacked.

sartyx commented 3 months ago

excellent, thanks - me stupid ;-)