earlephilhower / arduino-pico

Raspberry Pi Pico Arduino core, for all RP2040 and RP2350 boards
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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C++ extension configuration issues when developing with Arduino Extension in VSCode #960

Closed vishesh-varma closed 1 year ago

vishesh-varma commented 1 year ago

Hi Earle! This is not is more of a general issue that I am having when developing code for Raspberry Pi Pico in VSCode. In the first line of my code, I get squiggle errors that mention this: image

I have an auto-configured c_cpp_properties.json that auto configures when I compile the code, getting rid of any changes I make to the include path list. I wanted to know if it is something that you can look into, or it's more of an "Arduino has to take care of it" thing. Also, is there a "good" configuration file that exists?

earlephilhower commented 1 year ago

You'll need to at least copy the full text of the output message. It's all cut off in your image.

FWIW there is no pico/stdio.h dependency AFAIK in the core. We use Newlib's stdio.h.

Also, have you tried Platform.IO? Doesn't that use the same IDE? It seems to work fine using the info given in the docs.

vishesh-varma commented 1 year ago

Apologies, this is the exact error. image

#include errors detected. Please update your includePath. Squiggles are disabled for this translation unit (D:\Projects\tactonic-pad-v2\TactonicPad2\TactonicPad2.ino).C/C++(1696)

cannot open source file "pico/stdio.h" (dependency of "C:\Users\guest1.RWL026\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\rp2040\hardware\rp2040\2.6.0\cores\rp2040\Arduino.h")C/C++(1696)

I'm not using platformIO, I'm only using the Arduino extension for development, as it was working well enough for every other board I've connected, the ones with official Arduino support (Leonardo/Mega/Nano) and otherwise (esp32/esp8266), with the default settings. That being said, I'll switch to Platform.IO for the time being, I just think that this might be worth looking into. Thanks a lot for your work, Earle!

earlephilhower commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure where to go with this, so I've put it as help wanted and hopefully there are some VSCode users out there who can give some config settings.

I double-checked and there is no #include <stdio.h> anywhere in the core except for one spot in the SDK-override files for the CYW43 (and in a .C not a header file) #965 will get rid of that, but I don't think it's your problem here.

vishesh-varma commented 1 year ago

This is only an intellisense error ,code gets compiled normally, but only inellisense features stop working, like autocomplete and error-detection.

jlarnal commented 1 year ago

The pico-sdk include hierarchy is a hot mess for MS intellisense. It has been created with the Linux ecosystem's conventions in mind, whereas Arduino ecosystem's been designed for ease-of-use, handling and obfuscating (wrongly so ?) almost every dependencies search or reference declaration for the final user. Two diametrically opposed philosophies here. One says "know your sh..", the other one says "come along everybody, we've ironed the details for you".

It's as if part of the programmers community is expecting each and every one of their peers to be some sort of toolchain expert. No wonder python (and micropython henceforth) has gained such a popularity. Just add water.

Meanwhile, we're here lacking auto-completion because we don't wanna sacrifice 2 hours of work per project by solely typing a cursed, obscure and barely human-readable CMakeList we'll have to edit again as soon as we implement a new class.

Sorry for the rant lasses and lads... I'm utterly pissed at all those polka-dotted C/C++ SDKs. 😤

StefanKellerAC commented 1 year ago

Yes, the Arduino Extension for VSC under Windows 10 does not find the paths in \Pico-SDK, that may be a problem with \ and / when the extension parses the output, which is e.g.:


I will post this also there: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-arduino/issues/1354

After disabling "Intelli Sense Auto Gen" in the Arduino extension to prevent overwriting when compiling you can add those paths in ".vscode\c_cpp_properties.json" in your project folder.

Simply all files like this:

            "includePath": [



but this may lead to some wrong includes for different files with same name, e.g. time.h

Therefore I took (most of) the paths from "... rp2040\hardware\rp2040\2.6.4\lib\platform_inc.txt" and put that with some text replacing into

       //  do not include:       
       //  ,"C:\\Users\\stefan\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\rp2040\\hardware\\rp2040\\2.6.4\\pico-sdk\\lib\\tinyusb\\src\\**"


// additonally:                

Maybe there is a variable with the platform path, You have to change this with every update because the version is in the path. b.t.w. wouldn't it be better not to do that??

jlarnal commented 1 year ago

And once again we have to give our thanks to Microsoft for choosing, a score ago, some distinctive folder separator. "Let's use backslash instead of forward slash, because... why not ?" 😅🤪😭

earlephilhower commented 1 year ago

@StefanKellerAC is there a non-absolute-path version of the file we could include in the core itself in an extras directory or something? I can programatically swap / with \\ and gen files as part of the make-libpich.sh script if so...

StefanKellerAC commented 1 year ago

/ and \\ seems not to be the problem. with ESP 32 it works:

this line in output "-IC:\\Users\\stefan\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\esp32\\hardware\\esp32\\2.0.5/tools/sdk/esp32/include/newlib/platform_include" gives this in c_cpp_properties.json:

 "includePath": [
bus710 commented 1 year ago

Sorry for bumping up this ticket after couple months...

I happened to prepare the environment like others (arduino-cli, arduino-pico, and vscode-arduino), so the includePath in the c_cpp_properties.json was little confusing part as well.

Eventually I picked these paths:

66 lines "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/cores/rp2040", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/cores/rp2040/api", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/cores/rp2040/api/deprecated-avr-comp", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/include/pico_base", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/variants/rpipico", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/lib/tinyusb/src", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/boards/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/common/pico_base/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/common/pico_binary_info/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/common/pico_bit_ops/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/common/pico_divider/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/common/pico_stdlib/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/common/pico_sync/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/common/pico_time/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/common/pico_usb_reset_interface/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/common/pico_util/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2040/hardware_regs/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2040/hardware_structs/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/cmsis/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/cmsis/stub/CMSIS/Core/Include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/cmsis/stub/CMSIS/Device/RaspberryPi/RP2040/Include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_adc/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_base/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_claim/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_clocks/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_divider/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_dma/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_exception/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_flash/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_gpio/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_i2c/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_interp/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_irq/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_rtc/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_pio/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_pll/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_pwm/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_resets/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_spi/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_sync/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_timer/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_uart/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_vreg/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_watchdog/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/hardware_xosc/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_async_context/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_bootrom/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_btstack/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_cyw43_arch/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_cyw43_driver/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_double/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_float/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_int64_ops/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_lwip/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_multicore/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_platform/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_printf/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_runtime/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_rand/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_stdio/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_stdio_uart/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/pico_unique_id/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/lib/cyw43-driver/src", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/lib/lwip/src/include", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/lib/btstack/src", "~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/pico-sdk/lib/btstack/platform/embedded"

I could find the platform_inc.txt under ~/.arduino/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.0.0/lib, so I was able to find the most of the headers to mitigate most of the redlines.

Yes, we should find out how to automate the change (as same as the version gets bumped). In case of Linux (as I do this in Debian):

  1. we can have an environment variable to shorten the long prefix (~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/).
  2. the version can be checked by the ls command under the shortened path.
  3. refer the platform_inc.txt file to add most of the missing headers.
  4. the gathered information can be used as arguments for jq command to fill the includePath (I am not sure if Windows has this command...?).

Then a shell script can be written in this manner and we can be happy ever after....?

(Edited because the folding syntax broke the line headers)

bus710 commented 1 year ago


So I created this repository for 2 purposes:

  1. To introduce how to setup the development environment with specific items.
  2. A Go app to read the platform_inc.txt and appropriately translate for the includePath (see also). The output works well for me.

The app has some caveats:

Please feel free to open a ticket there. Thanks,

oddstr13 commented 1 year ago

Forward slashes should be fine on Windows too.

bus710 commented 1 year ago

Then probably the path of .arduino15 directory in Windows might be the next key, I suspect.


....might be the one?

bus710 commented 1 year ago

I was able to create executables for Linux/Mac/Windows (Thanks to Go's cross build capability). Can someone download and test the Windows executable? It should be executed from cmd or Windows Terminal. Also, the platform_inc.txt should be placed under "$MAIN_DISK:/Users/$USER/AppData/Local/Arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/$VERSION/lib/platform_inc.txt"


oddstr13 commented 1 year ago

Also, the platform_inc.txt should be placed under "$MAIN_DISK:/Users/$USER/AppData/Local/Arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/$VERSION/lib/platform_inc.txt"

There is an environment variable for Local AppData, which you might want to use ($LOCALAPPDATA or some such, I don't have a reference handy right now)

LukeL99 commented 1 year ago

I'm also having this issue on one of my PCs. It's just Intellisense, compiling works fine.

The odd thing is that my other PC doesn't give this error with the exact same code. It regenerates the intellisense config (c_cpp_properties.json) every time, and picks up all of the necessary include folders. I'll try to dig into what's different between the 2 configs.

earlephilhower commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately there's been nobody who'sa user of VSCode and Windows who has been able to help out here. Closing for now, but if someone does have a PR it would be most welcome!

berman00 commented 2 months ago

I'm also dealing with this problem. I have no idea how to fix it because I'm not familiar with how the Arduino extension checks for the include directories. I have a quick fix that will reduce your pain though.

In vscode you are allowed multiple configurations in the c_cpp_properties.json file. The arduino extension only changes the one named "Arduino".

What I do is copy and paste the "Arduino" configuration inside the json list named "configurations". Then just change the name of the configuration to something like "myArduino", and add the following line to the includePath:

"configurations": [
            "name": "myArduino",


            "includePath": [


                "C:\\Users\\berman00\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\rp2040\\hardware\\rp2040\\3.9.3\\**",  // << Added path


Of course, change the path to suit your particular use case.

Then, change the configuration in the bottom right corner of the IDE:


This is better than disabling the automatic code generator feature of the extension IMO, because if you change your program by adding a library, the path to the library will automatically appear in the Arduino config, and you can copy and paste it to your own config. A little annoying, but it is the best solution I found so far.

Hope this helps!