earnaud / MetaShARK-v2

MetaShARK (Metadata Shiny Automated Resource & Knowledge) is a R shiny app allowing the user to get information about Ecological Metadata Language and to fill in metadata for datasets according to this standard. This version of MetaShARK offers the user a R package to access the app.
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Integrate EML annotations module #28

Open earnaud opened 4 years ago

earnaud commented 4 years ago

Since EAL offers its template_annotations() function, it is time to get on with this improvement.

yvanlebras commented 2 years ago

Just a ping as now MetaShARK seems to be ready for an integration of semantic annotations using work done in EAL side https://github.com/EDIorg/EMLassemblyline/issues/31 notably using template_annotations() wo creates unique ids for use within a dataset and annotate_eml() who adds them to the EML. You could modify the ids listed in the annotations.txt template but will work fine if you don't! Not sure but maybe we can capitalize on the https://github.com/pole-national-donnees-biodiversite/OB1.metadata R Shiny app to propose a ""CEDARR dedicated R Shiny apps"" and in MetaShARK, create a new "semantic annotation" module who allows to add semantic annotation, through the use of cedarR R package and writing EAL template annotation related file..... Need to verify which EML "parts" are ok to be semantically annotated through EAL, as there is several places:

I think the more important places for EAL / MetaShARK are dataset level + attributes level. Then Entity level maybe... If I am not wrong, in EAL side, they automatically populated eml/annotations with all annotations added to the EML. This is a duplication BUT allows to facilitate manner people can interoogate / harvest metadata semantics annotation...

So, it seems the use of this MetaShARK semantic annotation module can be done on "WIP on creation DP" + on "existing DP". I think this is better to keep actual EAL workflow (creating the EML without paying attention to semantic annotation) then adding annotations using template_annotations() then annotate_eml()..... and a "widget" who can help find and select ontology terms through cedarR ...