Closed valentinedwv closed 14 hours ago
Wil the old query perform if we limit the value to dataset?
original query: 2 minutes. Warmed up 20 seconds
modified below: 13 seconds added:
values ?sosType { sschema:Dataset # schema:DataCatalog } ?subj a ?sosType .
PREFIX bds: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> prefix schema: <> prefix sschema: <> SELECT distinct ?subj ?g ?resourceType ?name ?description ?pubname (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?placename; SEPARATOR=", ") AS ?placenames) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?kwu; SEPARATOR=", ") AS ?kw) ?datep (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?url; SEPARATOR=", ") AS ?disurl) (MAX(?score1) as ?score) (MAX(?lat) as ?maxlat) (Min(?lat) as ?minlat) (MAX(?lon) as ?maxlon) (Min(?lon) as ?minlon) WHERE { ?lit bds:search "water" . ?lit bds:matchAllTerms false . ?lit bds:relevance ?score1 . ?subj ?p ?lit . filter( ?score1 > 0.14). graph ?g { values ?sosType { sschema:Dataset # schema:DataCatalog } ?subj a ?sosType . ?subj schema:name|sschema:name ?name . ?subj schema:description|sschema:description ?description . Minus {?subj a sschema:ResearchProject } . Minus {?subj a schema:ResearchProject } . Minus {?subj a schema:Person } . Minus {?subj a sschema:Person } . } BIND (IF (exists {?subj a schema:Dataset .} ||exists{?subj a sschema:Dataset .} , "data", "tool") AS ?resourceType). optional {?subj schema:distribution/schema:url|schema:subjectOf/schema:url ?url .} OPTIONAL {?subj schema:datePublished|sschema:datePublished ?date_p .} OPTIONAL {?subj schema:publisher/schema:name|sschema:publisher/sschema:name|sschema:sdPublisher|schema:provider/schema:name ?pub_name .} OPTIONAL {?subj schema:spatialCoverage/schema:name|sschema:spatialCoverage/sschema:name ?place_name .} OPTIONAL {?subj schema:keywords|sschema:keywords ?kwu .} BIND ( IF ( BOUND(?date_p), ?date_p, "No datePublished") as ?datep ) . BIND ( IF ( BOUND(?pub_name), ?pub_name, "No Publisher") as ?pubname ) . BIND ( IF ( BOUND(?place_name), ?place_name, "No spatialCoverage") as ?placename ) . } GROUP BY ?subj ?pubname ?placenames ?kw ?datep ?disurl ?score ?name ?description ?resourceType ?g ?minlat ?maxlat ?minlon ?maxlon ORDER BY DESC(?score) LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0
Running with search data.
Answer is nope
Wil the old query perform if we limit the value to dataset?
original query: 2 minutes. Warmed up 20 seconds
modified below: 13 seconds added: