earthcubearchitecture-project418 / p418Vocabulary

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Look into extending usage of schema:award #8

Open ashepherd opened 6 years ago

ashepherd commented 6 years ago

Would be interested in extending award field to point to an Award/Grant class.

cboettig commented 6 years ago

Cool project here.

Regarding schema:award for research grants, etc, you might be interested in a very similar thread to this effect over on with folks from DataCite, DataONE, and CodeMeta.

You might also be interested in taking a look at the existing open issue on schemaorg regarding possible extensions to the Award type (which by contrast highlights some very different uses for Award than what I think we have in mind):

ashepherd commented 6 years ago

@cboettig This is great, and I like your examples over at the codemeta issue. It'd be great to work together on putting forth a proposal to Or if you are already making headway down that pathway, we are happy to adopt it.

ashepherd commented 6 years ago

Making a note of the Academic Research Project Funding Ontology to provide context for proposing changes to

ashepherd commented 6 years ago

Also consider ViVO funding model: vivo-funding-model

smrgeoinfo commented 6 years ago

After wading through the discussions in the various threads related to funding, I'd like to zero in on what it is we actually need for the p418 Dataset markup. As I understand things, the DAT model (@agbeltran, in provides a good take on our requirements

These are the properties of FundingSource that seem important gleaned from the comments in the various threads.

smrgeoinfo commented 6 years ago

Looking at the entities in, the identifier, title, altTitle, funder, URL, and temporalExtent can be accounted for by properties on Event or CreativeWork (the current parent class for sdo:Dataset). I don't see anything in the vocabularies that would represent the 'funds', or 'monetary value' attributes. We can add these concepts in the p418 vocab or import from some other vocabulary if necessary (vivo:totalAwardAmount, ?). It looks to me like is the most closely aligned with what we need if we're looking for extensions.

smrgeoinfo commented 6 years ago

RE the opening question on this issue, it doesn't make sense to me to extend sdo:award to cover project funding. defines award "An award won by or for this item.", clearly linking to something that happens AFTER the 'item' has been created. What funding is about is providing resources to create something. If at some point someone is trying to use this 'semantic' markup to do some reasoning about the sequence of events, using award for both Grant and Prize would not work. Imagine-- 'I got an Oscar, so I could make the movie'; 'I published this dataset, then I got Grant 2954 to fund the work'.

Dataset needs a property like 'fundedBy' or 'acknowledges' (@agbeltran, schemaorg/schemaorg#383), or 'funding' (codemeta/codemeta#160). I think this could reasonably be extended to include any CreativeWork in its range.

updating @mfenner example from codemeta/codemeta#160:

  "funding": [
        "@type": "Award",
        "name": "MOTivational strength of ecosystem services and alternative ways to express the value of BIOdiversity",
        "identifier": "282625",
        "url": "",
        "funder": {
          "@id": "",
          "@type": "Organization",
          "name": "European Commission"

What is the process to get some closure on the issue?