Originally posted by **eculler** September 4, 2024
For the discussion board this week on open data, go ahead and check out:
- [FAIR data principles](https://www.go-fair.org/fair-principles/) from GO FAIR. [GO FAIR. (n.d.). FAIR Principles. GO FAIR. Retrieved August 28, 2023, from https://www.go-fair.org/fair-principles/]
- [FAIR and CARE data principles](https://www.gida-global.org/care) from the Global Indigenous Data Alliance, [CARE Principles. (2023, January 23). Global Indigenous Data Alliance. https://www.gida-global.org/care]
Some questions to get you started:
1. Why is open data important?
2. What are some ways that you as a data manager or scientist can make your data more open and reusable?
3. What are some potential drawbacks of open data?
As an extra, I recommend listening to this [RadioLab episode called NULL](https://radiolab.org/podcast/null). Note that you DO NOT NEED A DISCUSSION POST ON THIS. One of the things we're learning about is the differences between how computers interpret things and humans interpret them -- and this episode is a funny and accessible entry-point to these concepts. Think about these examples as you are running into your own errors -- perhaps with not quoting things that need to be quoted, or quoting things that shouldn't be quoted, or putting dashes into variables names (Python interprets that as a minus sign!).
Discussed in https://github.com/earthlab-education/Earth-Analytics-AY24/discussions/192