earthlcd / ezLCD-5x

Public Repository for ezLCD-5035-RT release files system, firmware and issue reporting
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ez.PutPictFile(x, y, file) sometimes draws image at the incorrect x location. #77

Open JacobChrist opened 1 year ago

JacobChrist commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug Sometimes when using the ez.PutPictFile(x, y, file) function the image is drawing at the wrong x location. At the time of the creation of this issue, issue #72 still exists and is unaddressed and is probably related.

Screenshots image

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run the program and click on the different plants, a failure is emanate

Expected behavior Image should always be rendered at the correct X,Y location.

MANDATORY: Attachments Image files:

-- ezLCD Planetary Scale application note example
-- Created  03/14/2023  -  Jacob Christ

function printBox(x1, y1, x2, fg, bg, font_height, str) -- Show a title sequence for the program
    -- Erase Old Weight
    local y2 = y1 + font_height

    ez.BoxFill(x1,y1, x2,y2, bg) -- X, Y, Width, Height, Color

    -- Display Line
    ez.SetFtFont(fn, font_height * 0.70) -- Font Number, Height, Width
    ez.SetXY(x1, y1)

function titleScreen(fn) -- Show a title sequence for the program
    local result

    ez.SetXY(0, 0)
    result = ez.PutPictFile(0, 0, "/PlanetScale/planet-menu-grid-onlineconverter.jpg")
    ez.SerialTx("result=".. tostring(result) .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port) -- doesn't work

debug_port = 0
-- Event Handelers
-- Serial Port Event
function DebugPortReceiveFunction(byte)
    ez.SerialTx(byte, 1, debug_port)

-- Define the Button Event Handler
function ProcessButtons(id, event)
    -- TODO: Insert your button processing code here

    if id >= 1 and id <= 9 and event == 2 then
        new_planet = true
        planet = id

    ez.Button(id, event)
    str = "id=" .. tostring(id) ..  ", event=" .. tostring(event)
    ez.SerialTx(str .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)
    printBox(400, 0, 800, ez.RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff), ez.RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x80), font_height, str)


function deviceData()
    ez.SerialTx("**********************************************************************\r\n", 80, debug_port)
    ez.SerialTx("* EarthLCD Planetary Scale\r\n", 80, debug_port)
    ez.SerialTx("**********************************************************************\r\n", 80, debug_port)
    ez.SerialTx(ez.FirmVer .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)
    ez.SerialTx(ez.LuaVer .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)
    ez.SerialTx("S/N: " .. ez.SerialNo .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)
    ez.SerialTx(ez.Width .. "x" .. ez.Height .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)

    str = ez.FirmVer
    printBox(400, 1 * font_height, 800, ez.RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff), ez.RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x80), font_height, str)
    str = ez.LuaVer
    printBox(400, 2 * font_height, 800, ez.RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff), ez.RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x80), font_height, str)
    str = "S/N: " .. ez.SerialNo 
    printBox(400, 3 * font_height, 800, ez.RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff), ez.RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x80), font_height, str)
    str = ez.Width .. "x" .. ez.Height
    printBox(400, 4 * font_height, 800, ez.RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff), ez.RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x80), font_height, str)

-- Globals
fn = 14
font_height = 240 / 8 -- = 30

new_planet = true
planet = 1

-- Setup Button(2)
-- ez.Button( id, ?, ?, ?, ?, X, Y, W, H)

ez.Button(0, 1, -1, -11, -1,   0,   0,  50,  50) -- 0 - Menu
ez.Button(1, 1, -1, -11, -1,   0, 320,  50, 280) -- 1 - Sun
ez.Button(2, 1, -1, -11, -1,  50, 320,  50, 280) -- 2 - Mercury
ez.Button(3, 1, -1, -11, -1, 100, 320,  75, 280) -- 3 - Venus
ez.Button(4, 1, -1, -11, -1, 175, 320,  55, 280) -- 4 - Earth
ez.Button(5, 1, -1, -11, -1, 230, 320,  60, 280) -- 5 - Mars
ez.Button(6, 1, -1, -11, -1, 290, 320, 160, 280) -- 6 - Jupiter
ez.Button(7, 1, -1, -11, -1, 450, 320, 150, 280) -- 7 - Saturn
ez.Button(8, 1, -1, -11, -1, 600, 320, 100, 280) -- 8 - Uranus
ez.Button(9, 1, -1, -11, -1, 700, 320, 100, 280) -- 9 - Neptune

-- Start to receive button events

-- Main
-- open the RS-232 port
ez.SerialOpen("DebugPortReceiveFunction", debug_port)


while 1 do

    -- Test Loop
    if new_planet == true then
        -- ez.SetAlpha(255)
        local planet_x = 53 -- 50
        local planet_y = 21 -- 25
        ez.SetXY(planet_x, planet_y)
        if planet == 1 then ez.PutPictFile(planet_x, planet_y, "/PlanetScale/1-sun.jpg") end
        if planet == 2 then ez.PutPictFile(planet_x, planet_y, "/PlanetScale/2-mercury.jpg") end
        if planet == 3 then ez.PutPictFile(planet_x, planet_y, "/PlanetScale/3-venus.jpg") end
        if planet == 4 then ez.PutPictFile(planet_x, planet_y, "/PlanetScale/4-earth.jpg") end
        if planet == 5 then ez.PutPictFile(planet_x, planet_y, "/PlanetScale/5-mars.jpg") end
        if planet == 6 then ez.PutPictFile(planet_x, planet_y, "/PlanetScale/6-jupiter.jpg") end
        if planet == 7 then ez.PutPictFile(planet_x, planet_y, "/PlanetScale/7-saturn.jpg") end
        if planet == 8 then ez.PutPictFile(planet_x, planet_y, "/PlanetScale/8-uranus.jpg") end
        if planet == 9 then ez.PutPictFile(planet_x, planet_y, "/PlanetScale/9-neptune.jpg") end
        new_planet = false


Note from Randy: Product: PROD_EZLCD_105B (passed) or PROD_EZLCD_5104 (failed)

JacobChrist commented 1 year ago

The 10" display I have is in a case so its hard to debug so I tested on a 5035 and the issue doesn't manifest itself. I suspect that the global X,Y variables are being modified so I am testing firmware that fixes issue #72 bypasses the use of the Global X,Y variables when drawing an image. Issue addressed on commit but not released.

JacobChrist commented 3 months ago

I think this issue is related to and is resolved, but we should keep this open until the time when it can be tested.