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ez.Arc doesn't always render an arc #80

Open JacobChrist opened 1 year ago

JacobChrist commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug The attached code should generate 16 small arcs around a circle (every 1024 ez-degrees). However some positions (angles are not rendered, namely: 2048, 4096+2048, 2^13-2048, 2^13+2048)

To Reproduce Run the attached code on a 5035.

Expected behavior All arcs should be rendered.

Screenshots image

MANDATORY: Attachments

-- ezLCD Meter
-- Exampel Code for testing AMeter Widget
-- Created  05/02/2023  -  Jacob Christ
gAppName = "EarthLCD Meter Demo Application"

-- Serial Port Debug Code
debug_port = 0
-- Event Handelers
-- Serial Port Event
function DebugPortReceiveFunction(byte)
    ez.SerialTx(byte, 1, debug_port)

function DebugSetup(applicatin_name)
    -- open the RS-232 port
    ez.SerialOpen("DebugPortReceiveFunction", debug_port)
    ez.SerialTx("**********************************************************************\r\n", 80, debug_port)
    ez.SerialTx("* " .. applicatin_name .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)
    ez.SerialTx("**********************************************************************\r\n", 80, debug_port)
    ez.SerialTx(ez.FirmVer .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)
    ez.SerialTx(ez.LuaVer .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)
    ez.SerialTx("S/N: " .. ez.SerialNo .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)
    ez.SerialTx(ez.Width .. "x" .. ez.Height .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)
    ez.SerialTx("Frames: " .. ez.NoOfFrames .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)

-- Button Processing Code

-- Define the Button Event Handler
function ProcessButtons(id, event)
    -- TODO: Insert your button processing code here
    -- Display the image which corresponds to the event
    if id == 0 and event == 1 then
        screen_change = true
        screen = id
        if screen > screen_max then
            screen = 0
        str = "screen=" .. tostring(screen)
        ez.SerialTx(str .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)

    ez.Button(id, event)
    str = "id=" .. tostring(id) ..  ", event=" .. tostring(event)
    ez.SerialTx(str .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)

function ButtonSetup()
    -- Setup button(s)
    ez.Button(0, 1, -1, -11, -1, 0,  0, 50, 50) -- Screen capture
    -- ez.Button(2, 1, -1, -11, -1, 0, 0, 50, 40)     -- Menu
    -- ez.Button(3, 1, -1, -11, -1, 0, 80, 320, 150)  -- Plot Area

    -- Start to receive button events

-- LCD printBox
-- x1, y1: Upper left location of printBox
-- x2: Upper right location of printBox
-- fg: Foreground color
-- bg: Background Color
-- font_height: Height of box in pixes (actual font height is 70% of this number)
function printBox(x1, y1, x2, fg, bg, font_height, str) 
    -- Erase Old Weight
    local y2 = y1 + font_height

    ez.BoxFill(x1,y1, x2,y2, bg) -- X, Y, Width, Height, Color

    -- Display Line
    ez.SetFtFont(fn, math.floor(font_height * 0.70)) -- Font Number, Height, Width
    ez.SetXY(x1, y1)

fn = 14
font_height = 240 / 8 -- = 30
screen = -1
screen_max = 2
screen_change = true

-- Main
function mainFunction()

    printBox(  0, 0, 160, ez.RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff), ez.RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x80),font_height, "Hello")
    printBox(160, 0, 320, ez.RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff), ez.RGB(0x80, 0x00, 0x00),font_height, "World")

    local x = 160
    local y = 120
    local r = 70

    ez.SetPenSize(10, 10)

    ez.CircleFill(x, y, r, ez.RGB(0x80, 0x00, 0x80))

    ez.SetColor(ez.RGB(0x00, 0x80, 0x00))
    ez.AMeter(x, y, r, 0, 8192)

    ez.SetColor(ez.RGB(0x00, 0x80, 0x80))
    ez.AMeter(x, y, r, 4096, 8192+4096)

    ez.SetColor(ez.RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff))
    local theta_start = 0
    local theta_stop = 16384
    local theta_step = (theta_stop - theta_start) / 16
    local tick_width = 1
    for theta = theta_start, theta_stop, theta_step
        str = string.format("%0.1f", theta)
        printBox(0, 1 * font_height, 100, ez.RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff), ez.RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x00), font_height, str)
        if theta + tick_width <= 16384 then
            ez.Arc(x, y, r, math.floor(theta), math.floor(theta) + tick_width)
            ez.Wait_ms(500) -- Wait 5 seconds

    ez.Wait_ms(1000) -- Wait 5 seconds
    -- ez.SdScreenCapture()
    -- ez.SetPinOut(100)

    while 1 do
        if screen_change == true then
            if screen == 0 then
            screen_change = false

function errorHandler(errmsg)
    local str

    font_height = 240 / 16 -- = 60

    str = debug.traceback()
    printBox(0, 8 * font_height, 320, ez.RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff), ez.RGB(0x80, 0x00, 0x80), font_height, str)
    ez.SerialTx(str .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)

    str = errmsg
    printBox(0, 0 * font_height, 320, ez.RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff), ez.RGB(0x80, 0x00, 0x00), font_height, str)
    ez.SerialTx(str .. "\r\n", 80, debug_port)

-- errorHandler function demo
-- illegal command ez.SetPinOut(100) will print out to ezLCD Display
-- Note: using this command will turn off the regular error messages to the Lua console

-- Call mainFunction() protected by errorHandler
rc, err = xpcall(function() mainFunction() end, errorHandler)
JacobChrist commented 1 year ago

I may work on fixing this one after I finish my current task.