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Rust: cache cargo cross #34

Closed idelvall closed 6 months ago

idelvall commented 9 months ago

Cargo cross requires docker or podman installed. Earthly doesn't support calling a FUNCTION within a WITH DOCKER statement, so there the rust library cannot be used to cache cargo cross runs as it is.

idelvall commented 9 months ago

Hi @joepio please TAL to the previous PR and let me know your thoughts.

You should be able to run it as:

DO rustc+CARGO --args="cross" --with_docker=" "

Also, you probably want to cache the cross images in your build cache. In this case, you can go like:

DO rustc+CARGO --args="cross" --with_docker="--load{{TARGET}}:{{VERSION}} "

(see here info about cross base images)

joepio commented 9 months ago

Thanks @idelvall!

    DO rust+CARGO --args="cross" --$with_docker="--load$TARGET:v0.2.5"

Unfortunately, still results in only one RUN command allowed in WITH DOCKER

            _unknown *failed* | build target: build main: failed to solve: Earthfile line 29:2 apply BUILD +docker-musl: earthfile2llb for +docker-musl: Earthfile line 78:2 copy artifact: apply build +cross-build: earthfile2llb for +cross-build: /var/folders/4j/nbs48t1s7l52fvv4vfnrrymw0000gp/T/earthly-git3268833410/Earthfile line 159:4 only one RUN command allowed in WITH DOCKER
            _unknown *failed* | in (/var/folders/4j/nbs48t1s7l52fvv4vfnrrymw0000gp/T/earthly-git3268833410/Earthfile line 81:4)
            _unknown *failed* | called from (/var/folders/4j/nbs48t1s7l52fvv4vfnrrymw0000gp/T/earthly-git3268833410/Earthfile line 52:4)
            _unknown *failed* | called from (Earthfile line 52:4) --TMP_FOLDER= --args=cross --output=
            _unknown *failed* | called from --TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
            _unknown *failed* | in --TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --tags=joepmeneer/atomic-server:develop
            _unknown *failed* | in
joepio commented 9 months ago

Changes on my end: logs:

idelvall commented 9 months ago

You need to remove the WITH DOCKER on your end, the function will create it internally

joepio commented 9 months ago

Thanks! Works, leads to new err.

Seems like it's calling cargo cross instead of cross.

I'm gonna try +RUN_WITH_CACHE instead!

EDIT: yes, that was it probably

joepio commented 9 months ago

Hmm nope...

     58  Error: async earthfile2llb for +docker-musl: Earthfile line 74:2 copy artifact: apply build +cross-build: earthfile2llb for +cross-build: /tmp/earthly-git3082292346/Earthfile line 82:4 apply ARG: value not supplied for required ARG: command
     59  in    (Earthfile line 49:2) --command=
     60  called from --TARGET=armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf
     61  in    --TARGET=armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf --tags=joepmeneer/atomic-server:improved-docker-rust-cache
     62  View logs at

EDIT: my bad, fixed

joepio commented 9 months ago

made a bunch of changes, but now it can't find docker:

        +cross-build | Error:
        +cross-build |    0: no container engine found

        +cross-build | Suggestion: is docker or podman installed?
        +cross-build | earthly debugger | Command /bin/sh -c 'set -e; mkdir -p $CARGO_HOME; printf "Running:\n      $command\n"; eval $command' failed with exit code 1
        +cross-build | Entering interactive debugger
        +cross-build |

Still no access to docker it seems.

  DO rust+RUN_WITH_CACHE --$with_docker="--load$TARGET:v0.2.5" --command="cross build --target $TARGET --release" --output="target/$TARGET/release/atomic-server"


joepio commented 9 months ago

Some of the runs keep going for hours, getting stuck, apparently

idelvall commented 9 months ago

Hi Joep, I cannot see those logs. Can you better point to a GH actions run I can check?

joepio commented 9 months ago

@idelvall how about this link?

idelvall commented 8 months ago

Hi @joepio, I've been working on a different approach. Let me know what do you think:

joepio commented 8 months ago

Yay, seems to work!

idelvall commented 8 months ago

Hey @joepio , i've seen in those logs that a significant number of crates are compiled by cross. Wondering if cross is designed to cache compiled artifacts, and if we can mount the Earthly caches into the cross container

AlexMikhalev commented 8 months ago

Cargo can fetch packages before build, for example for Atomic earhtfile the changes will be:

  FROM +install
  COPY --keep-ts Cargo.toml Cargo.lock ./
  COPY --keep-ts --dir server lib cli  ./
  COPY browser+build/dist /code/browser/data-browser/dist
  DO rust+CARGO --args=fetch 

and then add offline:

  FROM +source
  DO rust+CARGO --args="build --offline --release" --output="release/[^/\.]+"

My concern is that even way simpler step:

  RUN apt-get update -qq
  RUN rustup component add clippy
  RUN rustup component add rustfmt
  RUN cargo install cross
  DO rust+INIT --keep_fingerprints=true

isn't cached between between build and test stages: I run +build and when I run +test +install re-runs with fetching all updates. Another avenue to speed up rust compilation inside earthly satellite can be to use cargo vendor command:

# -----------------
# Cargo Build Stage
# -----------------

FROM rust:1.39 as cargo-build

WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY Cargo.lock .
COPY Cargo.toml .
RUN mkdir .cargo
RUN cargo vendor > .cargo/config

COPY ./src src
RUN cargo build --release
RUN cargo install --path . --verbose

# -----------------
# Final Stage
# -----------------

FROM debian:stable-slim

COPY --from=cargo-build /usr/local/cargo/bin/my_binary /bin

CMD ["my_binary"]

and then re-mount vendored-sources and target folders across build/test. One more avenue - use panamax-rs to sync to the local instance before all builds.

joepio commented 8 months ago

I don't think they are running in parallel here.

  BUILD --platform=linux/amd64 +docker-musl --TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  BUILD --platform=linux/arm/v7 +docker-musl --TARGET=armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf
  BUILD --platform=linux/arm64/v8 +docker-musl --TARGET=aarch64-unknown-linux-musl

This should probably happen in parallel, right? @idelvall

idelvall commented 6 months ago

I don't think they are running in parallel here.

  BUILD --platform=linux/amd64 +docker-musl --TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
  BUILD --platform=linux/arm/v7 +docker-musl --TARGET=armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf
  BUILD --platform=linux/arm64/v8 +docker-musl --TARGET=aarch64-unknown-linux-musl

This should probably happen in parallel, right? @idelvall

Yes they should. Let me see

idelvall commented 6 months ago

Hi @joepio, WITH DOCKER is affected by a parallelization issue. I've was able to overcome it by using VERSION 0.8 and making sure the target has not an inner FROM (as yours does)

idelvall commented 6 months ago

fixed by